
题型:单项选择题 A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A2型题




(3)从肌肉来看: _______发达,能牵动两翼完成飞行动作。

(4)从消化看:食量大,消化能力强,提供_____     __,以供飞行之用,直肠_______,粪便及时排出体外。

(5)从呼吸来看:有        辅助呼吸,提高了气体交换效率。气囊一端与肺相通,分布在内脏器官之间,有的还突入到骨的空腔里,这种分布的意义是:                               


(7)从体温看:具有良好的产热能力和散热功能,能维持体温______    ,增强了适应环境的能力。

题型:单项选择题 A2型题

“Mom, can I bake some bread?” We were 15; my best friend, Hanna, and I, determined to try our hands at creating some beautiful bread.

“It’s not worth the trouble,” my mother said. “It takes lots of time and makes a big mess. Our bakery bread is delicious without all that effort.”

Begging was useless. Mom’s “no” meant “No!”

But several weeks later, opportunity knocked. My parents were going out for the evening. I immediately invited Hanna to be my partner in bread-baking crime.

We studied the recipe. That was easy. “Mix oil into flour then beat in four eggs, one at a time, with remaining sugar and salt.”

We were not good at breaking eggs. I tried to learn from my mother.

“Gradually add eight cups of flour. When dough (面团) holds together, squeeze it.”

We took turns working like that. “Is the dough ‘holding together’?” we asked each other.

I remembered my neighbor’s instructions: “If it’s too sticky, add some flour; if too dry, add water.”

We added water. Then more flour. Then more water. By then, the mass of our dough had grown very much.

“Place dough on floured surface and squeeze till smooth,” the recipe instructed.

We took turns burying our hands in the damp dough, pinching, squeezing, and feeling it leak between fingers. “Clean and oil bowl, and then return dough to bowl. Cover and let dough rise in a warm place for one hour.”

This was good news—we’d have a break. On the dirty kitchen chairs, we dreamed about our beautiful bread. “See?” we would tell my mom. “Isn’t it worth the work?”

Hanna and I couldn’t help glancing at the rising process every few minutes. But nothing happened.

“Maybe something will happen in the hot oven,” I said.

Unfortunately, when we removed the loaves from the oven, they were like hard stones.

Mom was right; it takes time and effort. It sometimes makes a mess. But still it feels good, somehow, to be part of that long, ongoing chain of bread bakers. Since that night, both Hanna and I have learned to do it right.

题型:单项选择题 A2型题

FIDIC《施工合同条件》1999年版中承包商可引用的索赔条款中,不能索赔工期,只能索赔费用和利润的是( )。


题型:单项选择题 A2型题



题型:单项选择题 A2型题

周转率高的物品,应尽量存放于接近出货区或货架较低的区域。( )
