It takes less than six seconds to leave



It takes less than six seconds to leave a first impression. It is said that we ought not judge a book by its cover, but come on, isn’t it the color, the design, the layout, and the title that draw us to pick up a book we’ve never heard of before? Notice what your assumptions are about a person when you are first introduced to her or him.

Something that most of us don’t take notice of is how we stand or walk. Let’s say you are going for a job interview. Within seconds you have already said a lot about yourself by the way you walk. The majority of us walk around everyday without paying any attention to what we are saying even though we are not uttering a word. There is a lot that can be said about body language from the clothes you wear to the gestures you make.

I took notice of this topic recently as I recalled something about changing my posture to improve my level of confidence. I was about to venture on a new project, which would take me out of my comfort zone. My gremlins (小精灵) were having a field day with me uttering all kinds of reasons why I couldn’t do a good job with this new opportunity. I tucked in my tummy (收缩肚子) , put my shoulders back , held my head high , and took a walk. Soon thereafter, I felt so much better. I approached the project with new possibility. Wow, what a difference ! Try it !

The ability to capture your audience when you walk into a room is sure to start you off on the right foot when going on an interview. Non-verbal signals have five times the impact of verbal (言语的)signals. So you can count on losing your audience when you walk in with head down dragging your feet regardless how much you try to change it.

小题1:In the first paragraph the author intends to tell us         .

A.we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover

B.a person’s appearance can be misread

C.the first impression really means a lot

D.we should focus more on a person’s qualities小题2:The author approached his project with new possibility after        .

A.his gremlins stopped talking

B.he got rid of all his negative thoughts

C.he walked out of his comfort zone

D.he changed his posture to improve his confidence小题3:According to the author , when we go for a job interview , we       .

A.shouldn’t say a lot about ourselves

B.shouldn’t walk with our head high up

C.should pay enough attention to our body language and gesture

D.should only pay attention to the way we walk within the first few seconds小题4:The author probably believes that        .

A.non-verbal signals are more important than verbal signals

B.non-verbal signals are not so easy to catch

C.we mainly rely on verbal signals during an interview

D.we shouldn’t pay too much attention to our non-verbal signals小题5:What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A.How to prepare for a job interview

B.The way we walk says a lot about us.

C.How to read a person from the way he walks.

D.How complicated body language is.


常用的黑箱测试有等价分类法、 【2】 、因果图法和错误推测法四种。













某室内热水采暖系统中部分工程如图2-3~图2-5所示,管道采用焊接钢管。安装完毕,管外壁刷油防腐,竖井及地沟内的主干管设保温层50mm厚。管道支架按每米管道(0.5kg另计。底层采用铸铁四柱(M813)散热器,每片长度57mm;二层采用钢制板式散热器;三层采用钢制光排管散热器(图2-5),用无缝钢管现场制安。每组散热器均设一手动放风阀。散热器进出水支管间距均按0.5m计,各种散热器均布置在房间正中窗下。管道除标注DN50 (外径为60mm)外,其余均为DN20(外径为25mm)。图中所示尺寸除立管标高单位为米 (m)外,其余均为毫米(mm)。



