关于社会主义法治理念,下列说法错误的是:______ A.社会主义法治理念与中国传统




B.中国特色社会主义法治思想包括马列主义、毛 * * 思想、邓 * * 理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观中的法治思想



     NASA scientists said on June 1 , 2008 they had found ice on Mars-a step towards finding

evidence of life.

    " Sharp  new  images  received  from  their  Phoenix  lander convinced  scientists  that  the 

 spacecraft ' s  thrusters (推进器) had uncovered a large patch of ice just below the Martian

surface, " team members said.

     That bodes (预示) well  for the  mission ' s  main  goal  of digging for ice that can be tested

for evidence of organic compounds that are the chemical building blocks of life.

     Washington University scientist Ray Arvidson said the spacecraft' s thrusters may have blown

away dirt covering the ice when the robot landed one week ago.

      Scientists said a detailed image taken under the lander shows one of the craft's three legs

sitting on rough dirt and a large patch of what appears to be ice-possibly 3 feet(0. 9 metres) in

diameter(直径) -that apparently had been covered by a thin layer of dirt.

      " We were worried that it may be 30-,40-,50-centimeter deep, which would be a lot of

work. Now we are fairly certain that we can easily get down to the ice table, " said Peter Smith,

a University of Arizona scientist who is in charge of the project.

     The spacecraft is equipped with a shovel-like robot arm that will be used to dig into the ground

and collect samples for testing in the lander's small laboratories.

     The lander was sent to a spot on Mars' northern regions in hopes of finding frozen water, but

just how deep underground it would be found was unknown.

     The robot arm is expected to begin its first digging operations after several more days of testing.

Once the arm starts digging, dirt and  ice  it  scoops  up will  be deposited(存放 ) in  several  small

  ovens to be heated. Measuring devices will test the resulting gases.

     The University of Arizona in Tucson is leading and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is managing

the three-month scientific mission.

1. What was the Phoenix lander meant to do?    

A. To search for frozen water on Mars.

B. To explore life in outer space.

C. To study the minerals in the soil.

D. To discover new resources in outer space.

2. Why did NASA scientists feel worried about the finding?  

A. Because the ice is too large for NASA scientists to dig up.

B. Because it takes some time to deal with the large patch of ice.

C. Because it' s impossible for Phoenix lander to collect the ice.

D. Because it's hard to carry the ice back to laboratories on the earth .

3. "The spacecraft" in Paragraph 7 refers to"_______".

A. The project                      

B. The ice table

C. The robot arm                

D. The Phoenix lander

4. Which of the following is WRONG according to the text?

A. A large patch of ice had uncovered.

B. The goal of sending Phoenix lander to Mars is to look for frozen water.

C. The goal of sending Phoenix Iander to Mars is to discover new resources.

D. It takes some time to deal with the large patch of ice for Phoenix lander.

5. What is the text mainly about?

A. New findings about space exploration.

B. NASA sent another spacecraft to Mars.

C. NASA Phoenix lander finds frozen water on Mars.

D. Washington University scientists study Mars.


分析下列材料并回答问题   材料l   据国外学者研究:一国吸引外国直接投资与对外直接投资的平均比例,发达国家为l:1.4,发展中国家为l:0.13.按此比例测算,我国对外直接投资应有400亿美元以上,而实际却与之相差甚远.2002年中国是吸引外国直接投资最多的国家,而中国所有海外投资只占全球外国投资总额的不足0.3%.全世界每年国际工程承包的总金额在l万亿美元左右,我国只拿到l%多一点.   材料2   中国海外投资增长情况:   1991年:7.6亿美元;1994年:55.24亿美元;1999年:69.5亿美元;2002年:132亿美元   材料3   近年来,跨国公司国际生产一体化迅速发展并呈现出一些新特征:从全球生产价值链的角度合理配置资源.在竞争压力的影响下,跨国公司比任何时候都面临重要的选择,是内部化还是外部化,专业化还是多元化国际生产体系发展趋势之一是走专业化道路,集中资源加强核心竞争能力.在生产价值链的技术开发,产品制造和市场营销三大环节中,跨国公司更多的是抓两头,即紧紧抓住技术创新,技术标准制定和推广,新产品的开发和升级.同时,控制产品销售渠道,在品牌管理,市场营销甚至售后服务几个环节上不惜重金.而将原来一些由企业内部生产和经营的业务,以外包的形式从外部供应商处购买,使得根据供货合同,为客户提供商品和服务的合同制造商在国际生产体系中的作用凸显.     材料4   近年来,区域经济一体化趋势不断加强.而区域一体化,意味着对该区域非成员国的歧视.如果仍然依赖贸易,就会受贸易转移的影响,如果进人区域内投资,就可以受益于区域内部贸易的优惠条件.再者,进入到区域内投资,不仅可以享受优惠政策,也可以享受区域外对区域内投资的许多好处.此外,发达国家与一些发展中国有签订了援助协议,制定了很多贸易,投资方面的优惠政策.例如美国和非洲一些国家有协议,产品零关税.这种情况下,中国的台湾和香港,斯里兰卡,都到非洲这些国家去投资.中国大陆似乎还没有意识到这个机会.此外,欧盟和加勒比海,太平洋地区也签订了类似协议.这些协定给发展中国家提供了优惠,如果不利用,在产品竞争中就会处于劣势.   请回答:



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