


某城市人口13万,上届政府领导班子选定在城市东区某某路东侧建设城市广场,广场面积5万m(上标),建设场址为一低丘小山,该广场区位有些偏,但是由于没有拆迁,容易上马,因此上界政府不顾各方面的不同意见,开工建设,然而,在平整土地过程中,发现该低丘内部为花岗石,建设成本比原先预计的大两倍,因此需要加大投资。但由于资金准备不到位,再加上周边项目建设无法跟上,广场建设被迫停工。新一届领导上台以后,经过认真分析,广泛调查研究,发现这个广场存在的关键问题是选址不当,当即拍板另行选址建设。 [问题] 试对该市政府领导班子在选址上的问题进行评析。





This social networking website allows the users to make new friends, most often based on their preferences, and communicate with them. It also allows the users to share messages, videos, photos, etc. With more than a hundred million registered (注册的) users to its credit, Friendster is indeed one of the most popular social networking websites in the world.

B. Hi5

Hi5 is a social networking website which is quite popular, especially among youths. Other than helping you stay in touch with your friends, this website also allows you to play online games. More recently, Hi5 has developed into more of a social gaming website, with the intention of providing a platform for game developers.

C. Travellerspoint

Quite popular among travel and tourism enthusiasts, Travellerspoint allows its users to discuss their travel experiences through forums and blogs. Basically a travel guide, this website also allows its users to upload photos and maps of various tourist destinations in the world.

D. Twitter

What started out as microblogging website has quickly grown into a social messaging platform and one of the top social networks in the world. Twitter is a phenomenon that transcends (优于) social networking to provide an outlet for news, the buzz, and chat among many other uses.

E. Last.fm

Building itself as a social music site, Last.fm allows members to create their own radio station that learns what the person likes and recommends new music based on those interests. In addition to this, you can listen to the radio stations of friends and other Last.fm members.

F. LinkedIn

As one of the top social networking sites for business development, LinkedIn invites people to be “connections” instead of “friends”. LinkedIn is somewhat similar to a job search website which is built on a social networking platform. The best part of LinkedIn is that it allows people to develop more contacts in the same field, with the intention of spreading their business.


小题1:Carl is a 40-year-old businessman. Because of the rapid development of his company, he has to hire five more experienced people to work for him.

小题2:Edward has a strong curiosity about the current affairs at home and abroad. Also, he likes to make what happens around him public. He is interested in the latest trend as well.

小题3:Daisy is a lover of music. For her, nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to her favorite songs in her spare time.

小题4:Joseph is a college student majoring in computer science in New York University. He prefers to play various games on the Internet when he has no class at night.

小题5:Lily and her parents intend to visit places of interest in Beijing during the Spring Festival. Because it’s the first time for them to come to Beijing, they want to get some information from other travelers.


黑龙江省广袤的黑土地上正经历着一次巨变,到2010年这里将有3000万亩耕地和荒山变成茫茫林海,而这恰好与半个世纪以来我国在北大荒开垦出的3000万亩耕地面积一致。这是我国实施可持续发展战略的又一伟大尝试。这种做法(  )

①对资源的一种浪费                 ②必将使我国粮食减少,影响人们的生活水平







国家专有地财产和土地资源、股东个人资产、破产申请发生前已经为债权设置担保的财产以及他人存放的财产不得作为破产财产。( )


下列实验过程中的有关变化与对应的图形相符合的是(  )






