Every Christmas the giant tree in Rockef



Every Christmas the giant tree in Rockefeller Center sparkles with thousands of lights. From the beginning, when construction workers raised the first one during the depths of the Depression, it has been a symbol of hope. Diana Abad, like most Americans, loved that tree.

In 1999, however, Diana was writing her will. The 33-year-old woman from Staten Island, New York, was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病)and wanted to put her things in order. Doctors told her she had nine months to live.

Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow(骨髓)donor. The most likely source for a match is always among relatives -- but her family was tested and there was none.

Then one day in February 2000, she got a call from the hospital saying that out of the four million people enrolled in the National Marrow Donor Program Registry, there was only one match. The potential donor was thinking about it. In March the donor agreed, and the transplant procedure was scheduled for March 27.

On that day, a doctor came in with the marrow in a bag, and Diana remembers him saying: “This is it. If it doesn’t graft within four to six hours, nothing will bring you back.” Diana asked a priest (牧师)to give her last rite(祈祷).

Almost immediately after the two-hour procedure, she felt stronger. Doctors told her it looked like the graft had taken.

Donors are anonymous, but when she was better, Diana sent a note through the Registry: “You don’t know the joy that I am experiencing,” she wrote. “I hope that one day we can meet and I can thank you in person.”

It was several months before the donor replied. At first he didn’t even give his name. He was 34-year-old David Mason, and he lived in Dedham, Massachusetts. But eventually the two exchanged phone numbers and began to talk.

Then unexpectedly and unannounced, he turned up at her door in Englishtown, New Jersey, on December 23. She says it was love at first sight. He says he didn’t feel it until they met the second time.

That meeting began a long-distance romance that culminated(修成正果)under the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in December 2004. That’s where David proposed(求婚)to Diana. She, of course, said yes.

64.Which of the following may be the title of the passage?

A.Perfect Match         B.Successful Graft

C.Anonymous Donor  D.Lucky Christmas Tree

65.What can we know about the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center?

A.It was planted by the local inhabitants of Rockefeller in the United States.

B.Diana got saved under the Christmas tree and so loved it.

C.Many Americans love the tree because it was raised during the depths of the depression.

D.The tree is very tall and beautifully decorated by people at Christmas time.

66.It can be inferred from the passage that         .

A.leukemia is so serious a disease that nobody can survive in America

B.patients who suffer from leukemia may feel very weak

C.bone marrow transplant is very easy to carry out in America

D.the man donor knew Diana would become his wife in advance

67.Which of the following is true about their first meeting with each other?

A.Diana met David at the hospital on the day when she was operated on.

B.Diana went to David’s home in Dedham in order to thank him in person.

C.David and Diana fell in love with each other when they first met.

D.David didn’t telephone Diana to inform her of the date of his visiting her.


2007年是香港回归十周年,1997年香港回归之际,正值亚洲金融风暴,在中央政府的强力支持下,香港度过了金融危机,至今人们仍记忆犹新。十年来,中央政府对香港的支持与帮助,是香港不断走向繁荣的重要保障。这告诉我们     (   )














(1)写出假设二,沉淀是Cu(OH)2生成的理由                                (用离子方程式表示);



①研究沉淀物组成前,须将沉淀从溶液中分离并净化。具体操作依次为          、洗涤、干燥;

②装置E中药品的名称是       作用为                            


b.关闭K1、K3,打开K2、K4,充分反应,c.再通入过量空气时,活塞处于打开的是         ,关闭的是                                       

④若沉淀样品的质量为m g,装置D的质量增加了n g;若沉淀样品为纯净物,m、 n之间的关系为                                               

若假设三成立,则Cu(OH)2的质量分数为         ;若不进行步骤c,则会使测得结果       (填“偏高”“无影响”“偏低”)。




