Tranquility, relaxation and the scent of



      Tranquility, relaxation and the scent of incense (香烛香味), this is Guozijian Street, a street combining Beijing's past and present. Housing the Confucian Temple in the east and the Imperial College in the west,

the street gradually took shape some 700 years ago.

      Guozijian Street connects to the Lama Temple in the east. There are many sandalwood incense shops at the street entrance. The air is full of scent. Yet gradually, the scent of ancient books takes advantage as one explores further down the street and towards the Confucian Temple and Imperial College. The

Confucian Temple is where the worships to Confucius were attended during the Yuan, Ming and Qing

Dynasties (1271-1911). Gnarled cypress trees outside the gate create thick shade from the sun. On each

side of the gate stands a huge stone pole written in Mandarin and Mongolian ordering all horse riders, even the emperor, to get off their horses. The glazed yellow tiles on the roof show the temple's past dignity.

Beside the Confucian Temple is the Imperial College, the highest educational institution during the Yuan,

Ming and Qing Dynasties, which was once the dream destination for ancient scholars. The neighboring

Guanshuyuan Hutong is no different than other Beijing hutongs, except for its unique colors. The royal red of the Imperial College wall is a stark contrast with the typical grey of common people's residences.

       Serenity is very common over Guozijian Street. The occasional noise aroused by visitors is quickly

absorbed by the quiet atmosphere. Even time slows down on this ancient street.

      The leafy and green cypress trees along the street protect it from the bother of the busy city. These tall and silent plants add to the dignity and elegance of the street. Living houses still preserve the ancient and

attractive style of old Beijing, which is hardly seen elsewhere nowadays. Looking through the red gate

where the paint has already started to come off, one may find some older people sitting leisurely in the sun

in the courtyards. It seems that living next door to the sage (圣人) has brought them the wisdom to

dismiss all kinds of worries.

1. The 2nd paragraph mainly talks about _______.

A. the Lama Temple                

B. the Confucian Temple  

C. a sight of a street                

D. a street of incense

2. The underlined word "serenity" in the 3rd paragraph roughly means _______.

A. being calm and peaceful            

B. being silent

C. being still but noisy                

D. being full of noise

3. It can be inferred from the 4th paragraph that Guozijian Street is _______   .

A. busy      

B. relaxing    

C. natural      

D. noisy

4. The air in Guozijian is fragrant because _______   . 

A. the shops give off a smell

B. incenses in the shop and ancient books give off lots of scent

C. there are many sandalwood trees there

D. there is the Confucian Temple

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?                  

A. The two huge marble poles were carved in two languages. 

B. Guozijian Street is the same in colors as other Beijing hutongs. 

C. Ancient scholars studied in the Confucian Temple and the Imperial College.

D. Ancient emperors ought to get off their horses at the gate of Guozijian Street



A. To be seen and noticed by the leaders

B. Learn and use new skills

C. Do what you should do

D. Get useful information and advice

E. Look for someone to guide you

F. Keep it in mind: work hard


Keep in mind that those who play a lot and hard can loose but those who play smart will always win the day. These tips when employed well will be your tickets to the top. The first thing you need to do is look at your performance. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing? When you know what is expected, you will acquire a momentum that will lead you to the right direction. Otherwise, there is no need to do yourself and others when you are not delivering the right results.


The other tip that will make you stand out from the rest is hard work. You need to do extra and ask for more. The workload might be overwhelming but promotion only comes to those who are excellent or do things that are out of the ordinary or beyond expectation. You must employ extreme dedication to make sure that even as you ask for more, you do not compromise on the quality of work you deliver.


Another tip for promotion(晋升) is that the workplace is to have a presence. You must be seen at work not just by your colleagues(同事) but by leaders in your line of work. Take advantage of every chance to interact and know that people on top keep a keen eye looking out for those who stand out.

小题4: ___________

Do not be shy to accept new skills and look for more. Promotions only come to those who know that this is a dynamic world that smiles on those who are willing to use new skills. Devote yourself to doing things that are considered extra and do not be afraid of this. This will go a long way in making you the person for consideration when it comes to promotions in the workplace.


Another tip is to get information first hand from those who are on top. Talk to those who have been promoted in your organizations and seek advice. Remember, you do not have to learn through what they say but can learn through their character and how they do their stuff. Action will speak louder than words. However, you need to be aware that you are doing this to make yourself important and not to become another person. Often times, many workers seeking promotion will pretend to be something they are not.




B.由于市场价格升高,乙公司以 12元/件从市场上购得相应产品,要求甲公司支付差额

























