London [2009-4-01]—In the first meeting



London [2009-4-01]—In the first  

meeting between Chinese President  

Hu Jintao and US President Barack  

Obama  prior to the Group of 20      

summit in London, the two leaders pledged that both countries will be working together to help the world resist the financial crisis.   

China and the US have agreed to prioritize(使……更重要; 优化) the two countries’  relations by establishing the new strategic economic dialogue.

The two teams will be headed by Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo from the Chinese side and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner from the US side.

President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama made the announcement to the press before they went into the official meeting, their first, at Winfield House, residence of the US ambassador to the UK.

Although it is their first meeting, they have kept a close contact, which Obama said will  “set the stage” for both countries  “to tackle the challenges in the years to come. ”

Both presidents highlighted the importance of China-US relations, especially during the current economic crisis.

Obama said he hoped their meeting will be constructive and open not only about the whole state of the world economy during the current crisis, but to the efforts to improve peace and security for both countries and the world.

Hu said all the positive results the two countries have achieved have not come easily, adding that he hoped to develop good working relationship and personal friendship with Obama.

Sino-US relations are of fundamental interests not only to both countries, but to peace, stability and prosperity to Asia and the world.

小题1:What is the best title of this passage?

A.Hu, Obama set up new economic dialogue.

B.Sino-US relations will be improved.

C.China and the US are working together to resist economic crisis.

D.China and the US have achieved positive results.小题2:How do China’ s and US’ s presidents think they should deal with their relations?

A.By trusting and helping each other.

B.By sharing their common interests.

C.By establishing the new strategic economic dialogue.

D.By establishing new economic policy.小题3: What is Winfield House?

A.The US ambassador to the UK.

B.Residence of UK ambassador to the US.

C.The living place of US ambassador to the UK.

D.The residence of British Queen.小题4: All of the following are mentioned EXCEPT____.

A.The two presidents agreed to work together to resist the financial crisis

B.The two presidents announced to the press before the official meeting

C.Both countries will make efforts to improve peace and security

D.Sino-US relations are of fundamental interests only to both countries





A.安袢 没精打采 沉湎 因噎废食

B.简捷 东施效颦 忖度 理屈辞穷

C.招徕 相形见绌 璀璨 风糜一时

D.坚韧 奴颜卑膝 鸿鹊 纵横捭阉


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