(37分)阅读材料,回答问题。 材料一 自由主义是一种真正的精神力量,这种力量是




材料一 自由主义是一种真正的精神力量,这种力量是一种深刻的认识——若要维护政治自由,是决不能牺牲经济自由的。即使政府掌握经济能带来更高的而不是更低的效率,对它的反对也不能有丝毫更改。它将摧毁政治平等,它只会增加而不是减低滥用权力和腐败,它将窒息主动精神和创造性。


材料二 罗斯福提出美国自由主义传统由五个部分组成:一、深信人的尊严;二、信仰人类理性的力量和自由求知的力量;三、高度认识到个人对自己及其邻居的责任;四、坚信一个最好的社会就是能使大多数成员最充分地发挥其潜力;五、愿意并感到有义务通过公共利益而行动。


材料三 “新政”完成了一次政府职能的转变,它从两个方面永远地改变了美国的自由主义:一是政府对经济的干预;二是政府对人民福利的责任。


材料四 罗斯福新政对自由主义的影响是深远的。……在自由主义深陷危机之时,罗斯福因为标榜而延长了它,挽救了它。他也深刻地改变了自由主义的内涵,使自由主义自由放任的古典时期过渡到国家有限干预的现代阶段。









在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Cliek( ) Dim a( ) a = array(1,3,5,7) s=0 For i = 1 To 3 s=s*10+a(i) Next i Print s End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为( )。





根据短文内容,从下框的A---F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。 选项中有一项为多余选项。
A. The absorbing nourishment
   (营养) of cells
B. Each organ of body can work
C. The excreting (排泄) and cleaning
   of cells
D. The regeneration of cells
E. The cell living in a community
   of cells
F. The  cause of illnesses
1. (      )
     Each cell is a little body living on its own. It moves, digests, grows, excretes (排泄) and reproduces. But,
living as it does in a community of cells, it is not independent at all. The specialized cells of the body are
dependent on each other for such things as nourishment and the removal of their waste matter. For example,
if the digestive cells of the food canal do not perform their function properly, the muscle cells will not receive
nourishment, or if the excreting cells don't take away poisonous waste, the cells of the body will be poisoned
and die. Some cells of the body move, but not many. It is not necessary for the majority to move.
2. (      )
     All the cells of the body need food. They receive their food from a fluid called lymph (淋巴), which
permeates all the tissues and bathes the individual cells. The lymph circulates through the tissues, carrying food
obtained into the food canal, the intestines (肠子).
3. (      )
     All cells excrete waste matter. When the food has been used, the waste matter which the cells don't require
is passed into the circulating lymph and thus carried away. It is taken to the cells of the organs which are
specialized for removing waste matter from the body.
4. (      )
     All the cells reproduce their own kind and grow. In performing their work cells become tired, worn out and
die. If the tissue of the organ is to maintain its health, new cells are required to replace the old ones. The
healthy cells accomplish this by splitting their bodies, so that one cell becomes two cells and the two cells four
and so on. These cells are young and small, but still carry on the function of the organ.
5. (      )
     It is plain, therefore, that each organ of the body must perform its work well if the other organs are to
maintain their health. When they are all functioning well, the body is healthy. The individual is vigorous
(强健的) and free from discomfort of any kind. When any organ fails to do its work, all the organs are liable
to become affected; changes take place in their cells and their functions are disordered. Such changes give
rise to sensations of sickness, pain, loss of strength, bad appetite, fever, and so on. The body is said to be







