Many rural areas in the United States ha



Many rural areas in the United States have no doctor. Some medical schools are trying different ways to treat the problem . One idea is to educate doctors in smaller communities and hope they stay. Dr. William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program at the University of Kansas in the Midwest.

“We need more doctors. There’s somewhere like a quarter of all of our physicians in Kansas who are sixty years of age or older. So we need to be replacing physicians, too.”Says Dr. William Cathcart. He also says medical students from rural areas now typically study in Wichita or Kansas City, two of the biggest cities in Kansas. They say, “You know, I really have every intention of coming back to rural Kansas,”but they meet a soul mate, they get married, their soul mate happens to be from a big city and we never see them again. They get captured in the big city. Hopefully, if we train them in smaller communities, they can meet the future spouses here , they can network here, and they have those connections which can hopefully be lifelong.

The program is based in Kansas’ tenth largest city , Salina, home to about fifty thousand people. Salina is about a three-hour drive from Kansas City, past fields of corn, soybeans and cattle.

Student Claire Hinrichsen grew up in a town of about six hundred people. She attended the University of Kansas, or KU, as an undergraduate. One reason why the chose the Salina program is because of the size. There are only eight students—the smallest medical school in the country. Classes are taught by professors in Salina or on a video link from Kansas City or Wichita.

Students who complete the four year program will then do their residency training in a small community in the surrounding area. One place a resident might work is the Clay Center Clinic, where Dr. Kerry Murphy is a family physician.

Rural doctors generally serve older, poorer patients. Going into a specialty in a big city can mean better working hours and more money to pay off student loans.

The Salina program will pay tuition for each year that students practice in a rural area in Kansas.

小题1:What does the underlined word “spouses”in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Wives husbands.



D.Physicians.小题2:The reason why the medical students don’t want to go back to rural areas is that    .

A.they don’t like to live in the rural Kansas

B.there are not many girls in the rural Kansas

C.they found their soul mates in cities

D.the life in rural Kansas is so hard小题3:From the text we learn that   .

A.Salina has a population of 500,000

B.a quarter of all physicians in Kansas are too old for the ideal doctors

C.William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program in rural Kansas

D.Educating more doctors in cities can settle the problem小题4:Why did student Claire Hinrichsen choose the Salina program?

A.Because she found her soul mate in rural Kanas.

B.Because she likes to work as a doctor.

C.Because she grew up in a town of 6,000 people.

D.Because she likes the size of the program.小题5:What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To make it known that it lacks doctors very much in rural Kansas.

B.To introduce a program handling the lack of doctors in rural Kansas.

C.To train students to become doctors for rural Kansas.

D.To meet the demands of doctors for many rural towns in Kansas.




在第二轮中美战略与经济对话开幕式上,胡 * * * * 发表重要讲话指出,中美经济具有高度互补性,两国之间不是零和博弈的对手(零和博弈指参与博弈的各方在严格竞争下,一方的收益必然意味着另一方的损失,整个社会的利益并不会因此而增加一分)。这表明,中美加强经济贸易合作有利于[ ]















1997年2月,国航财务公司与华诚财务公司签订一份资金拆借合同,约定:华诚财务公司从国航财务公司拆借人民币1500万元,并约定了还款期限及利息等。在拆借合同到期后,华诚财务公司偿还了部分本息,但尚有1395万元未还。故国航财务公司向人民法院提起诉讼,请求判决华诚财务公司偿还所欠款项。2000年8月9日,法院判决,双方签订的资金拆借合同有效,华诚财务公司应在判决生效之日起7日内偿还国航财务公司本息共计1395万元。由于华诚财务公司到期没有归还本息,但其对永盈大厦房地产有限公司拥有巨额到期债权,却不及时行使(6份借款合同,总计借款金额为4亿元)。故国航财务公司于2000年9月1日向法院提起代位权诉讼。经查,华诚财务公司另外已无财产。对本案的下列表述中,正确的是( )。




