Passage FourDespite their names, satin and



Passage Four

Despite their names, satin and soman are exceptionally ugly sisters. They are organophosphorous nerve gases. They are cheap and simple to manufacture. And mere milligrams—just a drop—of either is enough to kill an adult in a couple of minutes. They therefore make particularly fine weapons of mass destruction, equally popular with rogue dictators who have not been able to build nuclear bombs and with weird cults such as Aum Shinrikyo, which gassed the Tokyo subway in 1995.

Detecting them soon enough to prevent their effects can be difficult. Even detecting them after the event—if you are, for example, a United Nations weapon inspector—can be haphazard. But help may be at hand. A paper in this month’s edition of Analytical Chemistry, by George Murray and his team at John Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, reports a new way of picking up minute qualities of the two gases without the risk of false alarms from legitimate organophosphorous compounds such as insecticides.

Dr Murray’s detector consists of a fiber-optic cable that has one end plugged into a laser and the other coated with a metal called europium. The laser generates blue light, and europium has the property of shining red when exposed to blue light of the correct wavelength—an effect that is exploited in many optical devices. But the metal possesses a second property that makes it uniquely suitable for Dr. Murray’s purpose: it reacts ply with organophosphates, and when it does so, the wavelength of the light that is emitting changes perceptibly.

To stop his detector going off in response to the wrong signals such as insecticide on the flea collar of a dog, Dr Murray has resorted to a second trick. The europium is embedded in a plastic film that binds specifically to sarin or soman (they are very similar molecules), using special pockets called molecular imprints that have been chemically etched into it. The organophosphates commonly used as pesticides do not fit into these pockets; and so fail to react with the metal. The result is a detector that is both sensitive ( it can pick up concentrations of as seven nerve-gas molecules in a trillion) and reasonable fast (it is able to sound the alarm within 30 seconds).

So far, Dr Murray has tested his device only on soman dissolved in water. This is mainly a safety measure, because water-borne nerve agents are easier to handle than those in gaseous form. But soman or sarin-contaminated water supplies are a real hazard in themselves—and not just in far-flung war zones. In America, for example, there are occasional leaks from military bases. The most recent was from Tooele Chemical Disposal Facility in Utah, one of the sites where the country’s chemical weapons stockpile is being destroyed. At the moment it would be hard to work out if any material from such a spill had found its way into the water supply until people started to become ill.

Dr Murray seems confident, however, that his technology will work just as well on sarin and saman gas, and has prepared "smart" cards coated with the mixture of europium and plastic to detect airborne nerve gases. Unfortunately, he does not, at the moment, have access to any place where the safety regulations will permit him to try them out. But if UN inspectors were ever allowed back into Iraq, he might have a chance.

Which part of the detector is the decisive factor that enables it avoid to false alarm ?()






材料1 天花又称“痘”,曾是一种极为可怕的传染病。染上此病的人绝大多数会死去,即使侥幸不死,也会在脸上留下点点瘢痕。那时,人们对天花的恐惧,大大超过今人对艾滋病的恐惧。在天花面前的束手无策,导致了人们对痘神娘娘的顶礼膜拜,祈求这位娘娘不要把天花降临到自己身上。天花愈是肆虐,痘神娘娘的香火便愈是旺盛。
18世纪时,英国医生琴纳发现,天花对于挤牛奶的人特别“宽厚”,总是躲着他们。这是为什么呢经过调查研究,终于揭开了秘密。原来,几乎所有的奶牛都出过天花,不过它们抵抗得了。挤奶人一旦接触奶牛 * * 上的脓浆,便感染上了轻微的牛痘,产生了能够抵抗人痘即天花的抗体,形成了免疫力。后来,琴纳发明了种牛痘的方法,挽救了无数人的生命。直到20世纪70年代,天花在全世界范围内基本消灭。天花成为历史的陈迹,痘神娘娘也就无影无踪了。显然,如果没有牛痘疫苗,没有人类对天花的征服,瘟神娘娘至今仍会趾高气扬,一面享受着人间的香火,一面继续把死亡和麻脸留给人间。
材料2 2003年上半年,一种名叫SARS的传染病在我国部分地区及东南亚等地流行。此病高传染率、高死亡率,现代医学尚未研制出疫苗,还不能彻底征服它。于是,有些地方出现了一些迷信活动:有人敲锣打鼓放鞭炮,据说此举可以驱逐疫魔;有人相信深更半夜喝绿豆汤、吃鸡蛋可以有效地防治SARS,据说这是一个出生不久的婴孩儿口述的神的旨意,还有人说这是一个哑巴突然开口说话表达的神的旨意,当事人说完这番话后立即死去,一些法轮功信徒也蛊惑人心,说这是上苍对人类的惩罚……这些迷信的观点本来是十分荒谬的,但居然有人深信不疑。




