


(1) 12月25日,接到法院通知,被告知D公司已经提起诉讼,声称由于华星公司未按照合同规定的要求及时给D公司发货,给D公司造成了严重损失,D公司要求华星公司赔偿经济损失100万元,截止到12月31日,该诉讼尚在审理当中,华星公司认为公司败诉的可能性为51%,如果败诉,则需赔偿D公司的金额在80万~lOO万元之间。
(2) 12月28日,公司自行开发而申请的一项专利获得批准,该公司已经为此专利的开发投入了原材料成本、开发人员工资等相关费用120万元(研究支出40万元,开发支出80万元,假设全部支出仍未确认),此外,申请专利发生聘请律师费、手续费等相关费用20万元,华星公司已经确认了该项无形资产。


下列词语中字形有误的一组是(  )

A.纤纤 谦谦君子 提纲 纲举目张

B.因缘 啼笑因缘 符合 随声附和

C.品味 品位高低 符合 随声附和

D.直言 仗义执言 提纲 提纲挈领








诊断维生素D缺乏病碱性磷酸酶活性( )单位(U)。



A.小肠黏膜被覆上皮细胞 B.肝细胞
C.神经细胞 D.心肌细胞



A couple of years ago a group of management scholars from Yale and the University of Pittsburgh tried to discover if there was a link between a company’s success and the personality of its boss. (46)To work out what that personality was, they asked senior managers to score their bosses for such traits as an ability to communicate an exciting vision of the future or to stand as a good model for others to follow. When the data were analyzed, the researchers found no evidence of a connection between how well a firm was doing and what its boss was like. As far as they could tell, a company could not be judged by its chief executive any better than a book could be judged by its cover.
(47)A few years before this, however, a team of psychologists from Tufts University, led by Nalini Ambady, discovered that when people watched two-second-long film-clips of professors lecturing, they were pretty good at determining how able a teacher each professor actually was.
Now, Dr Ambady and her colleague, Nicholas Rule, have taken things a step further. (48)They have shown that even a still photograph can convey a lot of information about competence—and that it can do so in a way which suggests the assessments of all those senior managers were nonsense.
Dr Ambady and Mr. Rule showed 100 undergraduates the faces of the chief executives of the top 25 and the bottom 25 companies in the Fortune 1,000 list. Half the students were asked how good they thought the person they were looking at would be at leading a company and half were asked to rate five personality traits on the basis of the photograph. (49) These traits were competence, dominance, likability, facial maturity (in other words, did the individual have an adult-looking face or a baby-face) and trustworthiness.
And Dr Ambady and Mr. Rule were surprised by just how accurate the students’ observations were. The results of their study, which are about to be published in Psychological Science, show that both the students’ assessments of the leadership potential of the bosses and their ratings for the traits of competence, dominance and facial maturity were significantly related to a company’s profits.
(50)Sadly, the characteristics of likability and trustworthiness appear to have no link to company profits, suggesting that when it comes to business success, being warm and fuzzy does not matter much (though these traits are not harmful).
