阅读理解。 What exactly is a lie? Is it anyt




     What exactly is a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that?

For example, suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you. You say "I wish I could help you,

but I am short of money myself." In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit of not

paying his debts and you don't want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this. Is this really a lie?

     Professor Jerald Jellison of the University of southern California has made a scientific study of lying.

According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly when telling a "white lie", such as when a

woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it's terrible. However,

this is only one side of the story. Other researchers say that men are more likely to tell more serious lies,

such as making a promise that they have no intention of carrying out. This is the kind of lie politicians and

businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at: the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in

some way.

     Research has been done into the way people's behavior changes in a number of small, unimportant ways

when they lie. It has been found that if they are sitting down at the time, they tend to move about in their

chairs more than usual. To the trained observer they are saying "I wish I were somewhere else now". They

also tend to touch certain parts of the face, particularly the nose. One explanation of this may be that lying

causes a slight increase in blood pressure. The tip of the nose is very sensitive to changes and the increased

pressure makes it itch.

     Another gesture that gives liars away is what the writer Decmond Morris in his book Man Watching

calls the "mouth cover". He says that there are several typical forms of this,such as covering part of the

mouth with the fingers, touching the upper lip or putting a finger of the hand at one side off the mouth. Such

a gesture can be understood as an unconscious (未察觉的) attempt on the part of the liar to stop himself from


    Of course, such gestures as rubbing the nose or covering the mouth, moving about in a chair can not be

taken as proof that the speaker is lying. They simply tend to happen more often in this situation. It is one

gesture alone that gives the liar away but a whole number of things, and in particular the context (上下文)

which the lie is told.

1. According to the passage, a white lie seems to be a lie _____. [ ]

A. that other people believe

B. that other people don't believe

C. told in order not to hurt someone's feelings

D. told in order to take advantage of someone

2. Research suggests that women _____. [ ]

A. are better at telling less serious lies than men

B. generally lie for more than men do

C. often make promises they intend to break

D. lie at parties more often than men do

3. Researchers find that when a person tells lies _____. [ ]

A. his blood pressure increases measurably

B. he looks very serious

C. he is likely to make some small changes in his behavior

D. he uses his unconscious mind

4. The writer of the passage _____. [ ]

A. hates lying

B. enjoys lying

C. often tells a lie

D. tries to study about lying

5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a sign of lying? [ ]

A. Touching one's ears

B. Rubbing the nose

C. Moving in a chair

D. Covering the mouth








-- I  am going to watch the game. See you later.

--           .[ ]

A. All right                

B. That's all right

C. See you later          

D. Not at all


在本次考试中,你在使用2B铅笔涂卡时,铅笔中的笔芯保持不变的物理量是(  )。

A 质量          B  重力             C 密度          D 体积




材料一 新中国成立伊始,针对当时的实际,经济发展以工业为主,初步建立起比较完整的工业体系;后来由于经验不足、对国内外形势判断不准,经济发展受到挫折;十一届三中全会以后,以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,经济取得快速发展,但也带来一系列问题:十四届五中全会提出要实现经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型转变;十七大提出要转变经济发展方式,实现经济又好又快发展。





材料二 面对粗放式经济发展的瓶颈和当前的环境压力,北京市委提出发展低碳经齐。经过组织专家论证和广泛征集群众意见,决定开展低碳经济试点,打造低碳示范园区;平倡导政府机关、党员干部率先垂范,过绿色低碳生活。

(4)结合材料二,运用政治生活知识,说明中 * * 党是如何提高执政能力的。(10分)


