The fact that most Americans live in urban



The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities themselves.
The Bureau of the Census regards any area with more than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs.
According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more.
At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for 75 percent of the US population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes 18 megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious megapolises includes a chain of hundreds of cities and suburbs across 10 states on the East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia, including Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of 45 million inhabitants is concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is the California coast from San Francisco through Los Angeles to San Diego.

According to the passage, what is a megapolis

A.One of the 10 largest cities in the United States.

B.One of the 18 largest cities in the United States.

C.One of the 100 cities between Boston and Washington.

D.Any number of continuous adjacent cities and suburbs.



  ①5月1日起,《刑法修正案(八)》和修改后的《道路交通安全法》正式施行。②通过这两个新规,对醉驾者起到了极大的震慑作用。③据公安部交管局统计,截至15日,浙江共查处醉驾事件1 100起,较去年同期下降了一倍多。④不仅醉驾数量大减,各地酒后驾车的数量也大大减少。











     My friend Vernon Davies kept birds. One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week. He asked me to feed   1   birds for him and said that he would leave the key   2   his front door in my


       3   (fortunate), I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to return. What

was worse,    4  was already dark when I arrived at his house. I soon found that the key Vernon gave

me could not unlock either the front door    5   the back door. I was getting desperate. I kept thinking

of   6  Vernon would say when he came back.

     I was just going to give up    7   I noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open. I found a

barrel and pushed in under the window. As the barrel was very heavy, I made a lot of noise. But in the

end, I managed to climb   8  and open the window.

     I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone   9  

(shine) a torch up at me. I looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady, one of Vernon's

neighbours. "What are you doing up there?" said the policeman.    10  (feel) like a complete fool, I

replied, "I was just going to feed Mr Davies' birds."








