财务部门应指定一名会计人员保管支付款项所需的全部印章。( )



财务部门应指定一名会计人员保管支付款项所需的全部印章。( )








     I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the livingroom, my 12yearold
son looked up at me and said, "I__1__you." I did not__2__what to say, and I just stood there, looking
__3__at him. My first__4__was that he__5__need help with his homework. Then I asked, "What was
that all__6__?"
     "Nothing," he said, "My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and__7__what they
     The next day I called his teacher to__8__more about what my son said and how the other parents
had reacted( 反应). "Most of the fathers had the__9__response as you did," the teacher said, "When
I first__10__that we try this, I asked the children__11 _they thought their parents__12__say. Some
of them thought their parents would have heart trouble."
     Then the teacher__13__, " I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of
__14__.      I'm trying to tell them it's too bad that we don't express our feelings. A boy__15__tell his
father or mother he loves him or her." The teacher understands that sometimes it is__16 _for some of
us to say something that is good for us to say.
     That evening when my son__17__to me, I took him in my arms and held on for an__18 _moment,
saying, "Hey, I love you,__19__." I don't know if saying that made__20__of us healthier, but it did feel
pretty good.
( )1. A. hate        
( )2. A. realize    
( )3. A. away        
( )4. A. thought    
( )5. A. must        
( )6. A. for        
( )7. A. test        
( )8. A. talk to    
( )9. A. same        
( )10. A. allowed    
( )11. A. how        
( )12. A. would      
( )13. A. explained  
( )14. A. study      
( )15. A. might      
( )16. A. easy      
( )17. A. turned    
( )18. A. extra      
( )19. A. either    
( )20. A. all        
B. love      
B. recognize  
B. for        
B. meaning    
B. should    
B. with      
B. know      
B. chat with  
B. different  
B. agreed    
B. whether    
B. will      
B. prepared  
B. work      
B. can        
B. difficult  
B. shouted    
B. ordinary  
B. too        
B. either    
C. like        
C. know        
C. down        
C. news        
C. could      
C. around      
C. understand  
C. find out    
C. usual      
C. planned    
C. when        
C. could      
C. informed    
C. health      
C. should      
C. crazy      
C. went        
C. interesting
C. also        
C. none        
D. enjoy        
D. find        
D. on          
D. reason      
D. would        
D. about        
D. see          
D. do with      
D. unusual      
D. suggested    
D. what        
D. can          
D. developed    
D. body        
D. need        
D. silly        
D. came        
D. important    
D. again        
D. neither      



Passage Three

While fashion is thought of usually in relation to clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider domain. It is to be found in manners, the arts, literature, and philosophy, and may even reach into certain areas of science. In fact, it may operate in any field of group life, apart from the technological and utilitarian area and the area of the sacred.Its operation requires a class society, for in its essential character it docs not occur either in a homogeneous society like a primitive group, or in a caste society.
Fashion behaves as a movement, and on this basis it is different from custom which, by comparison, is static.This is due to the fact that fashion is based fundamentally on differentiation and emulation. In a class society, the upper classes or so-called social elite are not able to differentiate themselves by fixed symbols or badges. Hence the more external features of their life and behavior are likely to be imitated by classes immediately below them, who, in turn, are imitated by groups immediately below them in the social structure. This process gives to fashion a vertical descent. However, the elite class finds that it is no longer distinguishable, by reason of the imitation made by others, and hence is led to adopt new differentiating criteria, only to displace
these as they in turn are imitated.It is primarily this feature that makes fashion into a movement and which has led one writer to remark that a fashion, once launched, moves to its doom.
As a movement, fashion show little resemblance to any of the other movements which we have considered.While it occurs spontaneously and moves along in a characteristic cycle, it in volves little in the way of crowd behavior and it is not dependent upon the discussion process and the resulting public opinion. It does not depend upon the mechanisms of which we have spoken. The participants are not recruited through agitation. No morale is built up among them. Nor does the fashion movement have, or required, an ideology. Further, since it does not have a leader- ship imparting conscious direction to the movement, it does not build up a set of tactics. People take part in the fashion movement voluntarily and in response to the interesting and powerful kind of control which fashion imposes on them.

It is known from the first paragraph that______

A.fashion operates in every society

B.fashion can be found only in a few fields of group life

C.fashion originates in a class society

D.people like to keep up with fashion in a primitive society





