—I think classical music is more popular



—I think classical music is more popular than folk music.

—I don't agree with you. Folk music is ________ classical music.

 [ ]

A. as popular as

B. so popular as

C. less popular than

D. similar to


如图所示,在研究平抛物体的运动实验中,用一张印有小方格的纸记录轨迹,每个小方格的边长L=1.25cm,若小球在平抛运动途中的几个位置为图中的abcd几点,则小球平抛的初速度的计算式为v0=       (用Lg表示),其值是       m/s,小球在b点时的竖直分速度是     m/s.(g取9.8m/s2








因为克服小私有制的弊端,使生产和农民生活大幅度提高,全国范围出现农业合作化高潮是在:[ ]






In tough economic times, school counselors (顾问) don’t just wait for students to come to their offices in search of college brochures, health pamphlets or other help. These days, they are looking for at-risk kids to prevent personal or academic troubles before they arise. Nowadays, students and families need the guidance more than ever.

Counselors play a steadying role in schools as the economy weighs on families, college admission becomes even more competitive, immigration continues to reshape the population and state-testing pressures many students. They use computers to search through attendance data, grades and standardized test scores for kids who might need extra help.

Schlatter, director of guidance and counseling at Prince William County’s Woodbridge Senior High School, has checked attendance records against grades and test results to start peer groups (同年龄群体) for students who are failing classes but not skipping them. She said group counseling is another way to reach more students though it can be difficult. “Kids really do start helping and sharing with each other.”

At Fairfax High School, counselors found through surveys that students who transferred (转学) to the school after ninth grade enjoyed school significantly less than those who had been there all four years. The counseling staff set up a special program and group for new arrivals in response, said Marcy Miller, the school’s director of student services. Counseling staff members also have started small study groups for students to prepare for state Standards of Learning exams, which Miller said have helped raise test scores. She said that some of the newest counselors have had some of the freshest ideas.

63. We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. counselors don’t wait for kids to come to ask for help now

B. counselors are trying to help people with economic problems

C. counselors have made college admission less competitive

D. counselors are trying to reach more kids in need of help

64. The author uses the example of Fairfax High School to show that ________.

A. counseling work is obviously effective

B. many students transfer there for help

C. new arrivals will no longer skip classes

D. counseling means little to new arrivals

65. What would the author most probably discuss in the following part?

A. What assistance they can offer.

B. The significance of their counseling job.

C. Other approaches to counseling at-risk kids.

D. The barriers of counseling the students with troubles.

66. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. Guiding Hands Find New Ways  

B. Small Study Groups Raise Test Scores

C. Transferred Students Need More Help 

D. Tough Times See More At-risk Kids



       材料一 公元前8世纪到公元前3世纪在中国曾有过思想文化的飞跃,是人类精神的大觉醒时期。诸子百家基于对人性、自然、社会及历史所作的不同的理论反省与思考,才提出各种不同的治国平天下的政治方案和纲领的。而且,诸子百家思想学说的鲜明的多元特征与强烈的原创精神,对后来大一统王朝政治产生了深远的影响。





       材料二 秦汉以后,儒家思想获得了统治地位,成为中国传统思想文化的主流,直到明清之际,中国传统思想文化的发展与儒家思想发展是密切相关的,每一个历史时期都有一些比较重要的代表人物,如汉代的董仲舒,宋代的二程和朱熹,明代的王守仁等等,贯穿这些思想家的一条主线,就是儒家思想学说日益走向哲理化的过程,宋明理学的出现标志着这一过程的完结。 ——《葛兆光谈“中国传统文化主流思想的演变”》



