


新建生产线主要原辅料消耗是冷轧汽车板、溶剂和涂料等,其中溶剂和涂料年用量2000 t(甲苯平均含量1.8%,二甲苯平均含量9.2%)。涂装车间工艺和现有厂区一样,为喷漆—晾干—烘干。主要废气污染源是涂装车间的烘干室、晾干室和喷漆室产生的含有机物的废气,主要污染物是甲苯和二甲苯,其中,喷漆室废气采用水旋喷漆室进行净化,废气中的漆雾分别经水幕阻挡和吸收过滤去除后,经风机从排气筒排放至室外,漆雾净化的循环水中加入了漆的凝聚剂,净化率>80%,外排二甲苯19.6t/a,甲苯量5.2t/a;烘干室排出的热废气进入燃烧装置,燃烧装置对有机物的净化率>90%,外排二甲苯7t/a,甲苯量0.6t/a;晾干室二甲苯排放量12.8t/a,甲苯3.5t/a,直接通过管道送排气筒外排。以上废气汇合后均经过1根28m高排气筒外排,废气总量30万m3/h,年运行时间300天,每天工作24小时。本项目生产工艺废水主要来自涂装车间,包括脱脂清洗废水、磷化清洗废水、电泳清洗废水和喷漆废水,主要污染物为COD、石油类、总镍、总锌和六价铬,排入厂区污水综合处理站与其他废水混合后,经生化处理进入城市污水处理厂,产生的工业固体废物有漆渣、磷化滤渣,污水处理站的污泥。目前,现有厂区COD排放总量尚不能满足当地环保局批复的总量指标,待新厂建成后,老厂区全部淘汰可满足总量要求。

计算本项目中主要大气污染物排放浓度、排放速率,并判断是否满足标准要求并从环评角度提出合理建议。(说明:《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297—1996)新污染源标准见下表,计算数据可精确到小数点后两位)

污染物 最高允许排放浓度/
排气筒高/m 二级 三级
甲苯 40 20 5.2 7.9
30 18 27
40 30 46
二甲苯 70 20 1.7 2.6
30 5.9 8.8
40 10 15











As they do every week, the 90 members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity at Oregon State University file into their dining hall for a very different kind of frat party. The rows of scrubbed and pressed young men sit down to eat under the watchful eye of the brother who is acting as manners chair. No swearing is permitted. Napkins on laps are required. Small bites are urged instead of gulps. Scofflaws must do penalty push-ups or pay a fine into the piggy bank in the middle of each table.
Call it the new fratiquette, but these weekly civility sessions are just a small part of a growing reform movement led by SigEp, the country’s largest fraternity. As colleges continue to crack down on binge drinking, hazing and general hooliganism, some fraternities are redefining the Greek experience in order to save it.
Oregon State’s is among the 256 SigEP chapters nationwide that have adopted the Balanced Man Program, an intensive four-year fraternity experience created 13 years ago by concerned SigEp leaders to shift the center of life in the houses from beer-soaked blowouts to activities that promote healthy living and self-respect. To eliminate hazing, the program does away with the pledge system—all recruits are equal members from Day One. Alcohol is allowed, but booze-free activities are encouraged.
The SigEps of Oregon State were a long way from such genteel pursuits just five years ago. At a school that offers a degree in fermentation sciences, the SigEps of old stood out for their love of inebriation. "When I got here in 2001, it was awful," says Mike Powers, 20, a senior. "Drugs were coming in, grades were falling. There were nothing but monster parties." The chapter hit bottom that fall when a single party resulted in a whopping $195,000 in fines for 26 separate counts of providing alcohol to minors. The house needed a fresh start, which led to a purge of partyers in which a third of the brothers left the chapter. "We needed to get rid of the cancers of the fiat," says Powers.
Today the chapter, reorganized under the Balanced Man Program, has rebounded. Membership is almost back to prepurge levels, and last summer the chapter won a national SigEp award that placed it in the top 15% in academics and community service of all chapters in the country.
But the frat makeovers have their detractors. In the rush to save fraternity life, some say, SigEp and the Balanced Man Program may be ruining it. "Some of my best experiences in college were stupid things I did with my friends, usually involving alcohol," says Kevin Stange, whose SigEp chapter at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was frequently in trouble with the national organization when he was a student in the late 1990s and which eventually closed for several years. "We never went too far, though," says Stange. "And the real reason people join frats is to have fun. Balanced Man doesn’t address that." Online chat rooms like greekchat, com are ablaze with debate about the changes. As one SigEp who clearly missed the etiquette lessons wrote, "The [Balanced Man Program] has effectively cut the balls [off] our fraternity. "
The number of new SigEp recruits has increased 11% since 1999. Insurance premiums, which have a habit of rising when fiat boys burn down their houses or fail off their balconies, have gone down the past two years. The average GPA for SigEp’s members has reached the 3.0 mark, which is the highest of all fraternities.
Following SigEp’s lead, other national fraternities have rolled out similar programs, from Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s True Gentleman to Beta Theta Pi’s Men of Principle. According to some members, there’s an unexpected bonus from all these reforms: women seem to like them. "They can go to 21 other fraternities to get drunk," says Oregon State SigEp member Cameron Saffer. "Here you find respectful young men. \

Give a brief introduction of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.


男,23岁。臀部汽车撞伤3小时。自述髋部疼痛,意识清楚,不能负重及行走,有尿意但不能自主排尿。查体:血压110/70 mmHg,脉搏98次/分。腹部平软,肠鸣音正常,会阴部肿胀、淤血。直肠指诊,前列腺尖部浮动。试行导尿失败。X线摄片示:双侧耻骨上下支骨折,除骨盆骨折外,可能的损伤是

C. * * 球部损伤
D. * * 膜部和尿生殖隔损伤
E. * * 前列腺部损伤


