Diane Arbus is known for creating intens



Diane Arbus is known for creating intense black and white photographs of very unusual people. She used a special camera that produced square shaped images. One art expert said Diane Arbus turned photography inside out. Instead of looking at her subjects, she made them look at her.

Diane Arbus was born in 1923 to a wealthy family in New York City. After finishing high school at the age of 18, Diane married Allan Arbus. Mr. Arbus worked in the advertising department of her father’s store.

It was Mr. Arbus who gave Diane her first camera. Diane soon decided to take a class with the famous photographer Berenice Abbott. The Arbuses eventually started taking photographs of clothing. These images were used as advertisements for Diane’s father’s store. After the birth of their daughter, Doon, the Arbuses started a business together. Their purpose was to photograph clothing fashions. Diane Arbus was the stylist. She would prepare the hair and faces of the fashion models who wore the clothing being photographed. Allan Arbus took the pictures.

The couple soon had jobs from important fashion magazines such as “Vogue” and “Harper’s Bazaar”. Their work was very successful during the 1950s. They became part of a group of artists that were helping to redefine visual culture. They were breaking with past traditions to create a new look for a new decade, the sixties.

But Diane was not satisfied with her secondary role. She wanted a more active part in making photographs. She wanted to explore her own artistic expression and freedom. To do this, she stopped working with her husband. Then she started taking photography classes at the New School in New York City.

Arbus’ teacher, Lisette Model, influenced her in many ways. She showed Diane how to use a camera like an expert. She also taught Diane to use her art to face her doubts and fears. Miss Model once said that Diane soon started “not listening to me but suddenly listening to herself.”

小题1:Diane Arbus got her first camera ______.

A.from her father

B.from her husband

C.in a shop

D.in the advertising department小题2:Why did the Arbuses start a business together?

A.To film clothing fashions.

B.To make their daughter happy.

C.To prove themselves.

D.To make friends with more people.小题3:The Arbuses ______ in the 1950s according to the passage.

A.were in charge of “Vogue”

B.earned more than other artists

C.were recognized as great artists

D.were proud of their achievements小题4:We can learn from the last two paragraphs that ______.

A.Diane was hard to dealt with

B.Diane care more for freedom

C.Diane was tired of working with husband

D.Diane learned more from Lisette Model


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