请在mian函数中填空使下面程序的输出结果为1 1。  #include<iostr



请在mian函数中填空使下面程序的输出结果为1 1。  #include<iostream.h>  class A  { private:    int a;    int b;   public:    A( ):a(0) ,b(1) { }    void show( ) { cout < < a < < " " < < b;} };  class B  { private:    int a;    int c;   public:    B( ):a(1),c(1) { }    void show( ) { cout < < a < < " " < < c;} };  class C:public A,public B  { };  void main( )  { C cc;      【12】  }


填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。

A.豁达大度 相敬如宾 琴瑟调和
B.宽宏大度 琴瑟调和 相敬如宾
C.宽大为怀 钟鸣鼎食 相亲相爱
D.器小易盈 互敬互爱 敬而远之


现代医学表明:人类牙齿是由一层叫碱式磷酸钙的坚硬物质保护着.这种碱式磷酸钙若表示为Cax(OH)(P043,则x的值为(  )







     Alex Taw, a 21yearold student from Wiltshire, England. He spent last summer like any other

high school graduate-hanging out with friends, preparing for college, worrying about his university

fees. While most of his peers gave up on their pipe dreams, he sat down with a notebook at home,

and jotted down (草草记下) the question: How can I become a millionaire?

     The result was the Million Dollar Homepage. com. Alex's initial investment was 50 pounds to

buy web space and a domain (领域) name. He divided the blank homepage into one million pixels

(电脑上的像点), 10,000 blocks of 100 pixels each. Each pixel was worth $ 1, minimum purchase:

100 pixels. Within a month Alex had earned some $ 37,000, enough for him to cover the entire cost

of his forthcoming three years at university. In just a few months, he became a real millionaire.

     How did he come up with the idea of the Millionaire Dollar Home Page?

     "Well, I was trying to think of a way to make some money before I started university, as I was

about to take on a huge debt and I was already overdrawn (透支). Swift action was necessary!"

He said.

     He also added, "The important thing is that anything is possible-we are only limited by our

imagination. I always had this belief that a good idea can be successful on its own. I think I've learnt

that if we think deeper there are magical solutions hiding away for us to find."

     His personal philosophy around money is: Money is not everything, but it's an essential part of

the way we live. Having__some__removes__a__certain__amount__of__stress,__but,__unless_


     He also said, "I still want to go to university. Aside from gaining knowledge about business, there

are other reasons-exploring your interests, meeting new people, and being in a creative environment."

     Besides making contributions to society, he would try to encourage and inspire people to think

of creative solutions to problems, whatever they are.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT an important factor for being a millionaire?

A. Large imagination.

B. Quick action.

C. Great ambition.      

D. Great investment.

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Alex Taw is an American millionaire.                

B. Alex Taw will graduate from university.

C. Alex Taw doesn't work hard.                        

D. Alex Taw was not rich before.

3. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. The more money we have, the more stress we have.

B. Money can be of great help.

C. We should try our best to earn money.

D. Money is helpful in some way, but we should make full use of it.

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Little Money Leads to Be a Millionaire              

B. The Success Road to Be a Millionaire

C. Alex Taw: The Millionaire Boy                      

D. The Million Dollar Homepage. com

5. From the passage, we know that Alex Taw ________.

A. would like to help others

B. would be a top student in university

C. succeeded with the help of his parents

D. invested a large amount of money on the Internet













