传动系由()等组成。A、离合器、变速器、冷却装置、主减速器、差速器、半轴 B、离合器









The mystery stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are famous all over the world.

The detective in his stories is called Sherlock Holmes. He solves mysteries in a most surprising way. His assistant, Dr Watson, watches with admiration and then writes up the story of the mystery afterwards.

This is a useful story writing skill. Because Watson is not very clever, the story remains a mystery until the end. The readers can sometimes pick up some clues before he does! Then, to make Watson understand the mystery, Holmes has to explain it all, step by step. So we, the readers, get to see it step by step too. Watson is almost as good a character in the story as Sherlock Holmes!

The very first time they meet, Holmes greatly surprises Watson. When they are first introduced, Holmes says to Watson, ‘How do you do? I see you have been to Afghanistan(阿富汗).’

Watson is too amazed by this to ask Holmes how he knows this. Watson has, indeed, been to Afghanistan. Later, he asks Holmes about it. Holmes explains that there is nothing magical about what he does. He gets to know it all by very, very careful observation(观察).

Observation One

Watson was introduced to Holmes as a doctor. Yet Holmes thought that the way he stood and walked made him seem like a soldier. So, this meant he was probably an army doctor.

Observation Two

Watson's face was quite dark skinned. But his wrists were pale. So his dark face was probably sun burnt. This meant that he had been to a hot, sunny country.

Observation Three

At the time, the British army had soldiers at bases in many parts of the world. So there were still a lot of places to choose from. However, Holmes saw that Watson looked very tired and he was always holding his left arm, as if it was painful. So, he had probably been with the army to a place where they were fighting. There was only one place where the British army was fighting at that time: Afghanistan.

小题1:The writer most probably created the character, Dr Watson, to ______.

A.give Holmes help when solving mysteries

B.show Holmes' careful observation

C.help readers pick up some clues about the mystery

D.get readers to see the mystery step by step小题2: The first time they meet, ______.

A.Holmes explains how he knows Watson has been to Afghanistan

B.Holmes surprises Watson by telling that he has been to Afghanistan

C.Watson tells Holmes he has been to Afghanistan

D.Watson asks Holmes how he knows he has been to Afghanistan小题3:From the passage we know that the British army ______ at that time.

A.only had soldiers in Afghanistan

B.had many army doctors at bases in many parts of the world

C.was fighting with several countries

D.was fighting with Afghanistan


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有人说:“华盛顿创立了美国,林肯和罗斯福拯救了美国”。他们三人对美国最大的贡献是分别领导了( )









用离子方程式表示Na2S2O3溶液具有碱性的原因_______,实验操作①中测试时pH试纸的颜色应该接近 _______。




