


(13分)现有A、B、C、D四种物质。A是无色、无味的气体。B在A中燃烧发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰,同时生成一种无色有刺激性气味的气体C;E物质在A中剧烈燃烧,火星四射。D是一种无色的气体,把D通入澄清的石灰水中,石灰水变浑浊。试判断A、B、C、D、 E各是什么物质,请将物质名称填在空格内。

①A        ,B__        ,C        ,D__________,E___________。


(1)                                                 (             )

(2)                                                 (             )


长期待摊费用和销售费用都属于企业费用。( )

                                                     The Pecan Thief
     When I was six years old,  I was visiting my grandfather' s farm in Kansas.Grandpa had sent me into
the  1   to gather pecans for us to enjoy later.

     Pecan picking was really  2   work and my little basket was only half full.I wasn' t about to_3_
Grandpa down.Just then something caught my  4  . A large brown squirrel was a few feet away.I
watched as he picked up a pecan,  hurried to a tree and   5   in a large hole in the trunk.A moment
later the squirrel   6   out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut.Once again,  he took
the pecan back to his hiding place.
      Not so  7   anymore,  I thought.I dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole.It was  8   with
pecans!Golden pecans were right there for taking.This was my  9  . Handful by handful,  I scooped all
of those pecans into my basket.Now it was full! I was so  10   of myself.I couldn' t wait to show Grandpa
all the pecans.  11  ,  I ran back and shouted,  "Look at all the pecans!" He looked into the basket and
said,  "Well,  well,  how did you find so many?" I told him how I' d  12   the squirrel and taken the pecans
from his hiding place.
      Grandpa congratulated me on how smart I' d been in observing the squirrel and his habits.Then he did
something that  13   me.He handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently 14   my shoulders.
     "That squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter  15   of food,  " he said."Now that all of his pecans
are gone,  don' t you think that little squirrel will  16   the cold winter?"
     "I didn't think about that,  " I said.
     "I know,  " Grandpa said."But a good man should never take  17   of someone else' s hard work."
     Suddenly I felt a bit  18  .The image of the starving squirrel wouldn't  19   my mind.There was only one
thing I could do.I carried the basket back to the tree and poured all the nuts into the hole.
      I didn't eat any pecans that night,  but I had something much more filling-the   20   of knowing I had
done just the right thing.
( )1. A. rooms  
( )2. A. hard  
( )3. A. let  
( )4. A. sweater  
( )5. A. joined  
( )6. A. jumped  
( )7. A. strange  
( )8. A. covered  
( )9. A. time
( )10. A. afraid  
( )11. A. Otherwise  
( )12. A. driven  
( )13. A. annoyed  
( )14. A. off  
( )15. A. supply  
( )16. A. escape  
( )17. A. place
( )18. A. guilty  
( )19. A. open  
( )20. A. inspiration
B. woods        
B. dirty        
B. settle      
B. basket      
B. lived        
B. held        
B. secret      
B. filled      
B. choice      
B. a shamed    
B. However      
B. followed    
B. satisfied    
B. beside      
B. cost        
B. spend        
B. notice      
B. unconfident  
B. leave        
B. expectation  
C. holes  
C. light  
C. have    
C. eye    
C. discovered  
C. stood  
C. anxious  
C. rebuilt  
C. chance  
C. careful  
C. Besides  
C. protected  
C. surprised  
C. over    
C. support  
C. survive  
C. advantage  
C. embarrassed    
C. cross  
C. impression  
D. roads            
D. easy            
D. keep            
D. hand            
D. disappeared      
D. found            
D. patient          
D. decorated        
D. achievement      
D. proud            
D. Therefore        
D. caught          
D. delighted        
D. around          
D. preparation      
D. flee            
D. charge          
D. nervous          
D. occupy          
D. satisfaction    














