






Man-made Causes

Man-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes.  21  is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution  22  in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil(化石) fuels(燃料)are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. when fossil fuels are burned they  23  a green house gas called CO2. Also mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. How does it escape? Methane(甲烷)is  24  in the ground.  25  coal or oil is mined you have to dig up the earth a little. When you dig up the fossil fuels you dig up the methane as well.

Another major man-made  26  of Global Warming is population. More people  27  more food, and more methods of transportation, right? That means more methane because  28  will be more burning of fossil fuels, ­ 29  more agriculture. Now you’re probably thinking, “Wait a minute, you said agriculture is going to be damaged by Global Warming, but  30  you’re saying agriculture is going to help cause Global Warming?” Well, have you  31 been in a barn filled with animals and you smell something  32 ? You re  33  methane. Another source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food. Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane. Another problem  34  the increasing population is  35 . More people means more cars, and more cares means more pollution. Also, many people have more than one car.

Since CO2 contributes to global warming, the increase in population makes the problem worse because we breathe out CO2.  36 , the trees that change our CO2 to oxygen are being demolished because we’re using the land that we cut the trees down from as property  37 our homes and buildings. We are not replacing the trees(an important part of our ecosystem), so we are  38  taking  39  of our natural resources and giving nothing back in  40 .

21.A.Pollution  B.Damage  C.Fossil          D.Transportation

22.A.goes      B.comes     C.takes         D.moves

23.A.give off    B.look out  C.burn away     D.take in

24.A.originally  B.mostly    C.naturally      D.usually

25.A.Because    B.When     C.While          D.But

26.A.reason      B.excuse    C.cause         D.problem

27.A.eats       B.takes       C.produces      D.means

28.A.it          B.there       C.that          D.they

29.A.and       B.or       C.though         D.but

30.A.then      B.there       C.before         D.now

31.A.ever      B.yet     C.still          D.even

32.A.Pleasant    B.terrible   C.sweet         D.nice

33.A.feeling     B.using      C.looking        D.smelling

34.A.of         B.as       C.with         D.for

35.A.pollution  B.population      C.warming   D.transportation

36.A.Also      B.However C.Therefore     D.Thus

37.A.as         B.for     C.like          D.to

38.A.Quickly   B.constantly       C.surely       D.usually

39.A.use        B.part     C.hold         D.advantage

40.A.return       B.turn     C.general        D.Total






下列关于个人住房商业贷款抵押贷款方式的说法正确的是:( )。

A.(A) 是指贷款银行向贷款者提供大部分购房款项,购房者以稳定的收入分期向银行还本付息,而在未还清本息之前,用其购房契约向银行作抵押

B.(B) 若购房者不能按照期限还本付息,银行可将房屋出售,以抵消欠款

C.(C) 作为个人住房贷款的抵押物首先是用抵押人依法取得的国有土地使用权及贷款银行认可的其他符合法律规定的财产

D.(D) 作为个人住房贷款的抵押物可以是抵押人所拥有的房屋或者预购房屋





