





鸟有利于飞行的特点有:身体呈_____ ___型,可以减少阻力;前肢变成了__ _____;消化系统把食物消化后形成的残渣随粪便及时排出体外,这样可以_    _______;飞行时体内产生的热量,通过体内的__      _____经呼吸作用散失到体外,以维持体温恒定。


我国合同法规定:合同的内容( )。





     The party began shortly after Mr. Wood, who lived in the flat below, signed (叹息) to himself as he
heard excited voices and the noisy music. Luckily he had ___1___ some work home from the office,
___2___ he kept himself busy for a couple of hours, thus managing to pay no attention to the noise
___3___ .    But by eleven o'clock he felt ___4___ and was ready to go to bed, though from his earlier
experience he knew it was ___5___ trying to get to sleep. He undressed and lay for a while on the bed,
trying to read, but he___6___ himself reading the same page over and over again. He then turned off the
light and ___7___ his head in the pillow(枕头). But ___8___ he could not shut off the ___9___ ,finally
after ___10____ seemed hours his___11___ was gone.
     He jumped out of bed, __12__ some clothing, marched ___13___ up the stairs and walked into his
neighbor's flat. The owner of the flat, who ___14___ him in his dressing gown(睡衣) came ___15___ the
room and__16___ Mr. Wood could say anything, cried "My dear fellow, come and ___17___. I know
our parties ____18___ you. I meant to send you ___19___." Mr. Wood's anger disappeared then and
there. He said "I'd better go and get __20_." Minutes later, he returned properly dressed, only tofind that
the party was nearly over.
( )1. A. taken       
( )2. A. with which   
( )3. A. outside    
( )4. A. bad       
( )5. A. useless     
( )6. A. had         
( )7. A. buried     
( )8. A. till then     
( )9. A. sound       
( )10. A. it         
( )11. A. sleep     
( )12. A. put on       
( )13. A. sadly          
( )14. A. made fun of    
( )15. A. across      
( )16. A. as       
( )17. A. meet as     
( )18. A. shall trouble  
( )19. A. a notice     
( )20. A. washed     
B. carried   
B. from which
B. overhead   
B. tired     
B. necessary   
B. found       
B. rested   
B. worse still
B. noise    
B. what     
B. strength  
B. dressed up  
B. proudly    
B. stared at  
B. around     
B. before   
B. sit here   
B. would trouble
B. a message    
B. changed   
C. brought     
C. where       
C. downstairs   
C. sick       
C. possible     
C. caught       
C. sho ok     
C. strange enough
C. voice      
C. that       
C. patience     
C. selected     
C. quietly       
C. was angry with
C. towards        
C. though     
C. join us     
C. need bother    
C. an invitation  
C. dressed     
D. fetched        
D. when            
D. nearby          
D. hopeless        
D. helpful        
D. felt            
D. turned          
D. even so        
D. tone            
D. which          
D. anger          
D. wore            
D. firmly          
D. caught sight of
D. by              
D. until          
D. scold me        
D. should bother  
D. an apology      
D. prepared        

2012年2月17日至18日,全国文化体制改革工作会议在太原举行。中 * * 政治局常委李长春对会议作出重要批示,强调要深入学习贯彻党的十七届六中全会精神,认真落实胡 * * * * “三加快一加强”要求,以组织实施《国家“十二五”时期文化改革发展规划纲要》为重要抓手,加大力度、加快进度、巩固提高、重点突破、全面推进,毫不动摇地把文化改革发展继续推向前进。党的十六大以来,各地各部门认真贯彻中央决策部署,推进文化体制改革取得丰硕成果,各地各部门深入贯彻科学发展观,不断深化文化体制改革,进一步解放和发展了文化生产力,有利于文化科学发展的体制机制初步形成,文化事业和文化产业空前繁荣,硕果累累、亮点频频,开创了中国特色社会主义文化建设的新局面。

