
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题






题型:问答题 简答题

“Hurry, Mommy! Let’s go trick-or-treating!” My daughter waited by the door in her pink princess skirt while I prayed in the living room. Usually I liked taking her out on Halloween, but this year I was sad. I was worried about my mother, who was in China on vacation. I got a call that afternoon that she had slipped and fallen on the hard floor of her hotel and broken her leg. She was taken to a hospital in Beijing. Mom was nervous because she couldn’t understand any of the doctors. If only I could do something to help her!

I knew I couldn’t let my worries spoil my daughter’s fun. There was nothing I could do for Mom except pray, I thought. We left the house and went down the block. I was so upset that I hardly took notice of the kids around me. There came the man to whose son I’d once given piano lessons. “Hello there,” I said, greeting him and the boy at his side.

“Hello,” the father answered. “Having fun?”“I’m trying,” I said. “Why, what’s wrong?” he asked. I told him the whole story. “My mother, in China, broke her leg and didn’t understand any of the doctors. And I’m too far away to do anything!” I said.

He raised his eyebrows. “Beijing, you said?” he asked. I nodded. He smiled. “Believe it or not, my sister is a doctor at an English-speaking hospital there. If you want, I’ll make a call right away and we’ll try and get your mom transferred (转移).”

A few days later I sat in the living room with my daughter as she finished the last of the candy. “Mommy, how far away is China?” she asked. “Not as far as I thought,” I said.

小题1:What did the author’s daughter want to do?

A.Pray with the author.

B.Enjoy herself outside.

C.Play a trick on her mom.

D.Go to the theatre to see a play.小题2:What was the author’s mother worried about most?

A.She couldn’t get used to the life in Beijing.

B.She was hurt in the leg badly while travelling.

C.She was too old and weak to pray for her daughter.

D.She couldn’t make herself understood by the doctor.小题3:The author hardly took notice of the kids around because _____ .

A.she was calling her mother

B.she felt very sad at that time

C.she was about to give a lesson

D.she couldn’t find her daughter小题4: We can infer from the text that _____ .

A.the man’s sister would help the author’s mother

B.the author would come to China to see her mother

C.the author was a famous music teacher in the town

D.the author’s daughter wanted to travel in China

题型:问答题 简答题


材料一 唐兴,初未暇于四夷,自太宗平突厥,西北诸蕃及蛮夷稍稍内属,即其部落列置州县。其大者为都督府,以其首领为都督、刺史,皆得世袭。虽贡赋版籍,多不上户部,然声教所暨,皆边州都督、都护所领,著于令式。……大凡府州八百五十六,号为羁縻云。                             


材料二 民族的区域自治是中华人民共和国领土之内的,在中央人民政府统一领导下的,遵循着中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领总道路前进的、以少数民族聚居区为基础的区域自治。依据这个总原则和大前提,一切聚居的少数民族,都有权利实行民族的区域自治,建立自治区和自治机关,按照本民族大多数人民及与人民有联系的领袖人物的志愿,管理本民族的内部事务。这就是少数民族当家作主的权利。


材料三 1990年4月,七届全国人大三次会议正式通过了香港基本法。……《基本法》共160条,是一国两制构想的具体体现,其原则精神是:主权原则;一国两制原则;保持香港稳定的原则;实行港人治港,高度自治的原则。







题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题





