CORVALIJS. Ore.-- Engineers at Oregon Su



CORVALIJS. Ore.-- Engineers at Oregon Suite University have made a breakthrough in the performance of microbial (微生物的)fuel cells that can produce electricity directly from wastewater,opening the door to a future in which waste treatment plants not only will power themselves, but will sell extra electricity.

The new technology ,developed at OSU, can now produce 10 to 50 more times the electricity, per volume, than most oilier approaches using microbial fuel cells,and 100 times more electricity than some.

Researchers say this could eventually change the way that wastewater is treated all over the world, replacing the widely used “activated sludge (泥浆) ” process that has been in use for almost a century. The new approach would produce significant amounts of electricity while effectively cleaning the wastewater,

“If this technology works on a commercial scale the way we believe it will ,the treatment of wastewater could be a huge energy producer, not a huge energy cost.” said Hong Liu ,an associate professor in the OSU Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering. “This could have an impact around the world, save a great deal of money, provide better water treatment and promote energy sustainability.”

The biodegradable (能降解的)characteristics of wastewater, if developed to their full potential, could theoretically provide many times the energy that is now being used to process them, with no additional greenhouse emissions.

OSU researchers reported several years ago on the promise of this technology, but at that time the systems in use produced far less electrical power. With new concepts, the technology can now produce more than two kilowatts per cubic meter of liquid reactor volume.

The new system also works better than an alternative approach to creating electricity from wastewater, based on anacrobic (臭氧的)digestion that produces methane (甲烷).It treats the wastewater more effectively, and doesn’t have any of the environmental drawbacks of that technology, such as production of possible release of methane, a significant greenhouse gas.

小题1:Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A.The treatment of wastewater is a huge energy cost.

B.Wastewater is being treated differently over the world.

C.Waste treatment plants have found a new way to power themselves.

D.Microbial fuel cells will produce more electricity from wastewater.小题2:What can we learn about the new technology from the passage?

A.It can produce 100 times more electricity than any approach used today.

B.Through it more electricity can be created and water can be cleaned better.

C.It has already changed the way that wastewater is treated all over the world

D.It has opened the door to put microbial fuel cells to productive use.小题3:What attitude does Professor Liu hold towards the new technology?

A. Supportive.      B. Critical.       C Unconcerned.    D. Curious.

小题4:According to the last paragraph, why does the new system work better than the alternative approach?

A.Because it is co-friendly and treats wastewater more effectively.

B.Because it can make full use of anaerobic digestion producing methane.

C.Because it may produce less methane than the alternative approach.

D.Because it can produce 10 times the energy than the alternative approach.


实验室用高锰酸钾制氧气并用排水法收集,有以下步骤: ①将药品装入大试管

②预热试管,对准药品加热 ③连接装置,检查气密性 ④用排水法收集氧气 

⑤熄灭酒精灯 ⑥将导管从水槽中取出,正确的操作顺序是






The book is borrowed from the library, so you ______ your children put dots and lines here and there.

A.should have left

B.ought not to have let

C.needn't have let

D.mustn't have let


How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500? All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch, however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for amusement. You can’t leave until the week is up. And a camera will be recording your every move.

Two people actually took the job. The idea came from Rob Thompson, a video artist. He wanted to make a film about the way animals are treated. His goal was to raise people’s awareness of the living conditions of animals that are raised for food. He decided to pay $5,000 out of his own savings to two people who were willing to live like chickens for a week.

To Rob’s surprise, quite a few people answered his advertisement. He had interviews and selected Eric, a 24-year-old restaurant worker, and Pam, a 27-year-old chemist. The plan was for them to spend seven days together in a chicken cage that was six feet long and three feet wide. A camera would record their experience, which would take place in an art museum.

The week was long and difficult. They slept on a hard wooden floor. They couldn’t stand up without banging their heads. They ate vegetables and drink water from a garden hose-pipe(橡胶软管). Their only privacy was a toilet surrounded by a curtain. There were no sinks, mirrors, or toothbrushes in the cage. Their only inspiration was the two framed checks that hung on the wall outside the cage. Visitors who came here were warned, “Do not feed the humans.”

Finally it was over, and Pam and Eric came out of the cage. They had survived the week, and they each had a $2,500 check in their hands. When Rob Thompson opened the cage, Eric came out, changed into clean clothes, and ate a chocolate bar right away. “It’s great for me to be able to stand up.” he said. Pam just changed her clothes and left. After a week of visitors and reporters watching her, she didn’t want to talk to anyone.

1.What kind of person is Rob Thompson?

A. He is curious about people’s personal life   B.He is kind—hearted to animals

C.He dislike people around                 D. He likes to help poor people

2. The underlined word “catch”(in Paragraph 1) probably means _______.

A. unsolved problem                      B. surprising wonder

C. unbelievable condition                  D. hidden difficulty

3. What made it the most difficult for the two to stay in the cage?

A. That they had nothing for amusement.

B. That they couldn’t lie down to sleep in the cage.

C. That they had to do almost everything under others’ very eyes.

D. That they didn’t have meat to eat.

4. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. An Easy Way to Earn $2,500            B. Do Not Feed Humans

C. Living Like a Chicken                 D. Getting Along Well Anyway












