出生后出现的第一个条件反射是()A.拥抱 B.觅食 C.吞咽 D.吸吮 E.握持

题型:单项选择题 A1型题








题型:单项选择题 A1型题


题型:单项选择题 A1型题


题型:单项选择题 A1型题

企业开展会计电算化工作,只能选购商品化的会计软件,不能自行开发或委托开发会计软件,但所选择的会计软件必须达到财政部印发的《会计核算软件基本功能规范》的要求。( )

题型:单项选择题 A1型题

In most aspects of medieval life, the closed corporation prevailed. But compared to modern life, the medieval urban family was a very open unit: for it included, as part of the normal household, not only relatives by blood but a group of industrial workers as well as domestics whose relation was that of secondary members of family. This held for all classes, for young men from the upper classes got their knowledge of the world by serving as waiting men in a noble family: what they observed and overheard at mealtime was part of their education. Apprentices lived as members of the master craftsman’s family. If marriage was perhaps deferred longer for men than today, the advantages of home life were not entirely lacking, even for the bachelor.
The workshop was a family; likewise the merchant’s counting house. The members ate together at the same table, worked in the same rooms, slept in the same or common hall, converted at night into dormitories, joined in the family prayers, participated in the common amusements.
The intimate unity of domesticity and labour dictated the major arrangement within the medieval dwelling-house itself. Houses were usually built in continuous rows around the perimeter of their gardens. Freestanding houses, unduly exposed to the elements, wasteful of the land on each side, harder to heat, were relatively scarce: even farmhouses would be part of a solid block that included the stables, barns and granaries. The materials for the houses came out of the local soil, and they varied with the region. Houses in the continuous row forming the closed perimeter of a block, with guarded access on the ground floor, served as a domestic wall: a genuine protection against felonious entry in troubled times.
The earliest houses would have small window openings, with shutters to keep out the weather; then later, permanent windows of oiled cloth, paper and eventually glass. In the fifteenth century, glass, hitherto so costly it was used only for public buildings, became more frequent, at first only in the upper part of the window. A typical sixteenth-century window would have been divided into three panels: the uppermost panel, fixed, would be of diamond-parted glass; the next two panels would have shutters that opened inwards; thus the amount of exposure to sunlight and air could be controlled, yet on inclement days, both sets of shutters could be closed, without altogether shutting out our light. On any consideration of hygiene and ventilation this type of window was superior to the all-glass window that succeeded it, since glass excludes the bactericidal ultra-violet rays.

How did young noblemen receive their education

A. They were taught in their own homes.
B. They received training in practical skills.
C. They were sent to other households.
D. They were educated with other young men.

题型:单项选择题 A1型题

某企业为延长固定资产—甲设备的使用寿命,2005年6月对其进行改良并于次月完工,根据2005年6月末的账面记录,甲设备的原账面原价为120元,已提折旧为57万元,未计提减值准备。改良时发生相关支出共计20万元,估计能使甲设备延长寿命2年。若确定甲设备改良完工后的可收回金额为78万元,则该企业2005年7月甲设备可予以资本化的后续支出为( )万元。




