Questions 58 to 62 are based on the follow



Questions 58 to 62 are based on the following passage:(10分)  U.S.jeans maker Levi Strauss&Co.denied it was playing on consumer fears by launching aline of trousers fitted with“anti-radiation(防辐射)”pockets for mobile phones.The trousers,with alining which the makers say shields(防护物)against radiation,are designed by Dockers,a brandname of Levi Strauss.“We are not implying in any way that mobile phones are dangerous.Ourintention is not to cash in on consumer fears but provide the consumers with what they want,”Levi’s Eruopean communications manager Cedric Jungpeter said.The design was the fruit ofextensive market research showing that the fashion conscious was also health conscious.Jungpetersaid.“Thedebate is open.Although no study has proved mobile phones are harmful,no study hasproved the contrary either.”He added.Worldwide studies into the possible dangers of mobilephones produce often conflicting conclusions.A recent one carried out by Australian researchersover a three-year period showed that radio emissions from mobile phones did not trigger the growthof tumors in mice,and thereofre probable did not do so in humans either.And another Australlianstudy concluded cellular phones could foster tumor growth.Swedish research published recentlyconcluded that long-term users of first generation mobile phones faced an up to 80 percent greaterrisk of developing brain tumors than non-users.But a Danish study last year of 400,000 mobilephone users showed no increased cancer risk.

The author implies that___by declaring“The debate is open.”

A.everyone may be involved in the mobile phone debate

B.all studies into the possible dangers of mobile phones have not yet reached valuable conclusions’s still a controversy whether the mobile phones are harmful

D.consumption of mobile phones will be affected by the endless debate



将长宽分别为3和4的长方形ABCD沿对角线AC折成直二面角,得到四面体A-BCD,则四面体A-BCD的外接球的表面积为 ______


在Visual FoxPro中,下列叙述正确的是( )。

A.用SET RELATION命令建立数据库关联之前,两个数据库都必须索引


C.用APPEND FROM命令向当前数据库追加记录之前,这两个数据库必须在不同的工作区打开



Section D

Directions:Read the following passage and answer the questions. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

In 1817 one of the most well-known hauntings in American history took place in the small town of Adams, Tennessee. Known as the Bell Witch, the strange activity that caused fear in the small farming community has remained unexplained for nearly 200 years. Like many stories, certain details of who or what the Bell Witch was vary from version to version. The prevailing account is that it was the ghost of a woman named Kate Batts, a mean old neighbour of John Bell. Batts believed Bell cheated her in a land purchase and on her deathbed she swore that she would haunt John Bell and his family.

News of the Bell Witch spread quickly. When word of the haunting reached Nashville, one of its most citizens, General Andrew Jackson, decided to gather a group of friends and go to Adams to investigate. The future president wanted to come face to face with the phenomenon and either expose it as a trick or send the spirit away. According to one account, Jackson and his men were traveling over a smooth section of road when suddenly the wagon stopped. The men pushed and pushed, but the wagon could not be moved. The wheels were even removed and inspected. The came the sound of a voice from the bushes saying, “I will see you tonight.” The astonished men could not find the source of the voice. The horses then unexpectedly started walking on their own and the wagon moved along again. Jackson indeed encountered the witch that night and left early the next morning, claiming he would rather fight the British than the Bell Witch!

The haunting of the Bell house continued for several years, ending with ghost’s final act of revenge. On the morning of December 19, he failed to awake at his regular time. When the family noticed he was sleeping unnaturally, they attempted to rouse him. They discovered Bell couldn’t be completely awakened. John’s son went to the medicine cupboard to get his father’s medicine and noticed it was gone but a strange small bottle was in its place. No one claimed to have replaced the medicine with the bottle. John Bell died on December 20 and “Kate” was quiet until after the funeral.

A few explanations of the Bell Witch phenomena have been offered over the years. One is that the haunting was a trick created by Richard Powell, the schoolteacher of Betsy Bell and Joshua Gardner, the boy with whom Betsy was in love. It seemed Powell was deeply in love with Betsy and would do anything to destroy her relationship with Gardner. Through a variety of tricks, and with the help of several friends, it is believed that Powell created all of the ghostly effects to scare Gardner away. In fact, Gardner eventually did break up with Betsy and left area and Powell did come out winner. In the end, he married Betsy Bell.

81.John Well’s mean old neighbor haunted them because ______.


82.On Jackson’s way to investigate the ghost, the ghost ______ and later, Jackson encountered the witch and left early the next morning.


83.How did the haunting eventually end?


84.What was one explanation for the haunting given in the reading?







