
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题


1. I think everyone has two________(foot).

2. The old man has a serious________(ill).

3. Mr Chen is often________(stress) out.

4. It's easy to stay________(health).

5. My brother's________(speak) Chinese is very good.

题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

患者,女, 35 岁,因人流术后月经量减少 7 个月,于 2003 年 5 月 8 日 入院。既往无心脏病病史,无明显心脏病家族史。查体 :T 36.5 ℃ , BP105/70mmHg , P78 次 /min 。神清,精神好,表情自然 ; 双肺呼吸音清晰,未闻及干、湿罗音,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音。妇科检查 : 外阴发育好, * * 通畅,分泌物少,子宫前位,较正常稍大,双侧附件正常。门诊 B 超提示 : 宫腔粘连。以 “ 宫腔粘连 ” 收入院。入院后查,出、凝血时间正常。心电图提示 : 窦性心率,正常心电图,胸透正常。在常规准备下行宫腔镜探查术,膨宫液为 0.9% 的盐水,宫腔设定压力 8kPa ,术中发现宫腔呈膜性粘连,予以分离 ; 分离完备上圆环一枚,手术顺利,手术时间约 10min 。手术结束时,患者突然出现轻微抽动,面色青紫,口唇发绀,意识丧失,血压、脉搏测不出。 详述 如何对此患者进行急救。

题型:问答题 简答题

As summer approaches, a lot of people will be in search of a great book to read while they are relaxing on the beach or by the pool. Here we have made a list of four e-books that we think are great summer reads.

Stark by Ben Elton--- If you have read a lot of books then you may know that Ben Elton is  one of the funniest writers around the world. This book is one of his best pieces of work to date and it will certainly leave you in hysterics(狂笑). You may find yourself laughing out loud constantly when reading this book.

1984 by George Orwell---there is a big chance that some of you may have read this book ,but even if you have, it’s still well worth reading again. This is a great holiday book and it will shock you constantly due to the accuracy of the book. The book was actually written in 1948 and was written about what the author (George Orwell) fell the world would be like in 1984,and he was pretty spot-on .This book is thrilling and will probably leave you a little scared at the end of it.

The Road---This book is a fantastic read and will leave you hanging on edge all the way through it. This book is quite dark, however, and it certainly had some shocking moments throughout. The book is set in a post-apocalyptic(浩劫后的) world where modern life has been destroyed and in which there is no wildlife and a lot of humans have actually turned to cannibalism(同类相食).This book is fantastic if you enjoy a thrilling read that will leave you on the edge of your seat every few seconds. This certainly isn't a book for the faint of heart.

The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawking---If you haven’t read this book yet then you really must .If you’re looking for a non-fiction and highly informative book for your summer then this is the book for you. This book was written by Professor Stephen Hawking and is extremely famous.

小题1:What is the text mainly about?

A.An introduction to four e-books that are great summer reads.

B.Advice on how to choose great e—books for summer reads.

C.The contents of four e-books that are famous around the world

D.People’s opinion on reading e-books on the beach.小题2:Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Ben Elton is the funniest writer all over the world.

B.If you’ve read 1984, there’s no need to read it again.

C.The Road presents a world in which there are no humans.

D.The Theory of Everything is full of information that is helpful to readers.小题3:We can learn from the passage that____________

A.George Orwell wrote what the world in 1948 was like in his book

B.Readers will surely be scared after reading 1984.

C.The Theory of Everything is a work of popular fiction.

D.Readers who are fond of comedies may like to read Stark小题4:If Mark likes reading thrilling and exciting stories, which of the following should he choose?



C.The Road

D.The theory of Everything小题5:In which section of a magazine would you most probably read the text?





题型:问答题 简答题






