三相鼠笼式异步电动机电磁抱闸电动作型属于()电路。A、点动控制 B、自锁控制 C、联









氢能被视为未来的理想清洁能源。随着科技的不断进步,现在从植物中提取氢的效率越来越高,可以从34 kg干燥的植物中提取l kg的氢。


(2)如果汽车发动机使用氢能源来工作,效率可以达到60%。若一辆氢能源小轿车在从桂林行驶到百色大约700 km的路程上获得的平均牵引力为8.4×l02N,则它从桂林行驶到百色需要消耗的氢大约是多少千克?(q汽油=0. 71×l03 kg/m3,q=1.4xl08J/kg)











某中学要召开运动会,决定从初三年级全部的150名的女生中选30人,组成一个彩旗方队(要求参加方队的同学的身高尽可能接近)现在抽测了10名女生的身高,如果如下(单位:cm):166  154  151  167  162  158  158  160  162  162





Never argue with one's own understanding.

The whisper of intelligence is always there, whatever you do.

If you create a time lag (隔绝层) between the whisper of intelligence and understanding in you and your action, then you are preventing the brain from growing into a new size. When you argue with intelligence, when you postpone acting according to understanding then there is confusion, the brain gets confused.

The voice of understanding, the voice of intelligence has insecurity about it. How do you know that it is the right thing?

So we tend to ignore it. Instead we accept authority. We obey.

But the brain cannot be orderly, competent, accurate and precise if you do not listen to it, if you have no respect. We are so busy with the outside world and its force that the world that is inside us does not command that respect and reverence (敬重), that care and concern from us.

So one has to be a disciple (信徒) of one's own understanding, and look upon that understanding as the master.

Sometimes one may commit a mistake, it might be the whim (念头) of the ego and we might mistake the whim, the wish of the ego for the voice of silence and intelligence, but that we have to discover. Unless you commit mistakes, how do you learn to discriminate between the false and the true? In learning there is bound to be a little insecurity, a possibility of committing mistakes. Why should one be terribly afraid of committing mistakes?

So instead of accepting the authority of habits and conditionings, while one is moving one watches, and when there is a suggestion, do not neglect, ignore, or insult the whisper from within and from one's own intelligence.

小题1:What will happen if you refuse to follow your own understanding according to the above passage?

A.Your brain will become smaller.

B.You will never get help from authority.

C.You will hardly know the world.

D.Your own intelligence will stop growing.小题2:What is the function of committing mistakes from the view of the author?

A.Mistakes can make one practical.

B.Mistakes can make one know the facts.

C.Mistakes can allow one more time to develop.

D.Mistakes can improve one’s judgment.小题3: The whole passage is developed by ______.

A.facts and ideas

B.reasoning and explaining

C.scientific experiments

D.arguing and debating小题4:The best title of the passage might be ______.

A.Never argue with your own understanding

B.Never believe any authority while arguing

C.Never neglect whispers from around you

D.Never stop training yourself.
