



John, a friend of mine, _____ got married only last week, spent $3000 more than he _____.

A. whom; will plan
B. who; has planned
C. whom; would plan
D. who; had planned


小题1:因思杜陵梦,                     。(温庭筠《商山早行》)

小题2:               ,只有香如故。(陆游《卜算子.咏梅》)

小题3:辛弃疾在《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》一词中 “                            。”描写战争激烈的场面,来表明诗人报效祖国的情感。

小题4:自然美景总会令人心荡神驰。“深林人不知, 明月来相照”是宁静淡泊的心境;“峨眉山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流”是清朗秀美的秋意;“          ,         ”是惬意闲适的心情。

小题5:在前不久的答中外记者会上,李克强 * * 强调说:“即使中国发展强大起来,我们也不会称霸,因为中国在近现代历史的惨痛遭遇中有深刻感受。                  ,这是中国人的信条。” (用《〈论语〉十则》中的语句填写)


如图6所示,条形磁铁穿过一闭合弹性导体环,且导体环位于条形磁铁的中垂面上,如果把导体环压扁成椭圆形,那么这一过程中(   )






A month went by in this manner , but a month was all I could bear .

The memory of Marguerite accompanied me wherever I went . I had loved that woman --- still loved her --- too much for her suddenly to mean nothing to me . Whatever feelings I might have for her now , I had to see her again . At once .

I knew Marguerite . Meeting me so unexpectedly must have thrown her into a state of great confusion . Probably , she had heard of my departure which had set her mind at rest as to the consequences of our sudden parting . But , seeing me back and coming face to face with me , pale as I was , she had sensed that my return had a purpose , and must have wondered what was going to happen .

If , when I saw her again , Marguerite had been unhappy ; if , in taking my revenge (复仇), there had also been some way of helping her , then I might well have forgiven her , and would certainly never have dreamed of doing her any harm . But when I saw her again , she was happy , at least on the surface . Another man had ensured her the luxury (奢侈)in which I had been unable to keep her . She brought shame both to my pride and my love ; she was going to have to pay for what I had suffered .

I could not remain indifferent (冷漠)to what she did now . It followed that the thing that would hurt her most would be exactly for me to show indifference . Indifference , therefore , was the feeling which I now needed to pretend , not only in her presence but in the eyes of others .

I tried to put a smile on my face , and I went to call on Prudence with whom Marguerite was staying .

Prudence saw me to the door , and I returned to my apartment with tears of anger in my eyes and thirst for revenge in my heart and thought only of finding a way to make the poor creature suffer .

小题1:This passage is most probably _______________ of a love story .

A.the beginning

B.the introduction

C.a summary

D.a chapter小题2:According to the passage , the hero(男主角)wanted to _____________ .

A.forgive Marguerite because he found her unhappy

B.stop the relationship with Marguerite because he couldn’t keep her in the luxury

C.make up the relationship with Marguerite because he still loved her

D.give Marguerite sufferings because his pride and his love were hurt小题3:What kind of feelings did the hero most probably have ?

A.Indifference and love .

B.Indifference and hate .

C.Love and hate .

D.Hate and sadness .小题4:What would the author most probably write about next ?

A.Why he changed his mind suddenly .

B.How he made up his relationship with Marguerite .

C.How he made Marguerite suffer.

D.Why he wanted Marguerite to pay for what he had suffered .






