







卤面是泉港一道传统风味小吃.是由各种配料做成卤汤与面团混起来的.口味香甜、滑润、浓郁,是泉港人逢年过节,或喜庆寿诞请客的礼食.请结合图甲中人体部分生理 活动示意图(①~⑦表示生理过程,l、Ⅱ表示血液类型)和图乙中膈肌的不同运动状态示意图,分析回答有关问题.


(2)图甲中发生过程(③)时,膈肌应是图乙中的________ (填“A”或“B”)状态.


(4)在细胞内,这些营养最终被分解释放出________,为生命活动提供动力,同时也产生了代谢废物,这些代谢废物排出体外的过程叫排泄,图甲①~⑦中表示排泄途径的是③,________和________ (填图中序号).I的血液类型是________ (填“动脉血”或“静脉血”).




It was almost Christmas. We wrote to my father, asking him to  36  an artificial tree for us and   _37  it to us in several smaller boxes. Two days before Christmas we were in a  38  . All of the boxes that my father had sent us arrived except for the one with the tree  39 . We decided to wait one more day.

Meanwhile, in Bremerhaven, a young mail clerk  40  a box under a counter. He  41  that someone would be without a tree for Christmas. Although he was closing up and there was no  42_   on Christmas, he processed the mail and got it to Mannheim.

After putting the  43  on the proper shelf, he headed to the snack bar. The place was  44   and he ended up sharing a table. Two men were speaking and the clerk discovered that one of his  45  at the table was working in Mannheim. He said to the man, "You could  46  play Santa for someone in Mannheim tonight if you'd like to." The man  47  to deliver it and the two walked to the mail room to  48  the package.

At home in Mannheim, we were busily  49  to think up some way to put our tree together, but couldn't  50  a workable solution. We were ready to give up  51  the door bell rang. There stood a stranger holding a long  52  carton, our tree trunk. We invited him in,  53  it was Christmas Eve and he was  54  to get home to his own family.

The next day as we watched our little boy's eyes light up at the  55  of our beautiful tree, I whispered a little prayer: "Bless the stranger who brightened up our Christmas with his kindness."

36. A. sell              B. buy              C. deliver                 D. bring

37. A. send            B. pass                 C. carry                 D. take

38. A. surprise          B. hunger             C. pleasure                     D. panic

39. A. leaf            B. trunk                C. stand                 D. branch

40. A. watched        B. caught               C. spotted                D. broke

41. A. directed         B. whispered           C. realized                 D. confirmed

42. A. delivery         B. customer             C. money                 D. letter

43. A. present         B. tree              C. mail                           D. package

44. A. crowded         B. small             C. noisy                  D. normal

45. A. friends          B. colleagues           C. relatives               D. companions

46. A. really           B. confidently        C. kindly                 D. patiently

47. A. overcame       B. agreed              C. astonished             D. struggled

48. A. fetch              B. transform           C. post                       D. consult

49. A. solving          B. explaining          C. trying                 D. worrying

50. A. come across      B. come back to        C. come upon             D. come up with

51. A. while             B. when              C. as                        D. since

52. A. slim            B. beautiful           C. thick                 D. heavy

53. A. but               B. so                  C. because                D. or

54. A. in surprise       B. it, the, way         C. in a hurt7                    D. in lime

55. A. sight            B. back            C. corner                  D. scene



(1)石灰水 ______,(2)锌与稀硫酸恰好完全反应后的溶液 ______,(3)食盐水 ______,(4)80mL酒精与20mL水组成的溶液 ______.




