阅读理解。 It was a hot Sunday afternoon and




     It was a hot Sunday afternoon and the two of us were heading for the capital city. Suddenly my son

gave a shout of pain. He had somehow managed to tangle up (围绕) his small body in his seat belt. I

immediately pulled off the road.

     I could have tried to stop a car, but they were driving by so fast. At that moment, I would have cut

the belt if I had something to cut it with. Then I thought that I could retract (缩回) little further in order

that it might work. But if that failed, my son's little stomach would be squeezed even tighter.

     Just then a man appeared. He wore a white shirt and trousers that I'd seen on Costa Rican cowboys

and his clothes so dirty that I thought he might be a beggar or worse.

     Yet when the stranger reached us, he asked me if I needed help. I pointed to my son and he took a

look. He then bent down beside my son, tracing the path of the smooth seat belt with with his rough fingers. After a long moment, he asked my son to bend sideways and a little bit forward. He then put his hands

on the belt, controlled it in a way that I still don't understand now, and my son was free.

     I thanked him warmly. I also reached into my wallet and gave him a bill, although his calm face

suggested that he didn't care about a reward. He had found a new way to use his roping skills, particularly those he used when freeing animals. And I had experienced the kindness.

1. What happened to the author's son? 

A. He was unable to move in his seat belt.

B. He suddenly suffered from a stomachache.

C. He fell off his seat and hurt his stomach.

D. He saw something interesting on the journey.

2. From the passage, we know the cowboy __________.  

A. taught the author how to free her son      

B. was familiar with the author's son

C. refused to accept the money            

D. was good at roping.

3. What would be the best title for the passage? 

A. cowboy in Costa Rican.

B. A kind and quick roadside help.

C. A hard journey

D. A story of a cowboy


—I’m going to travel to Sydney.Would you please tell me about your experiences there?

—________. Let’s discuss it over lunch.

A.Go ahead

B.It just depends

C.That’s wonderful

D.By all means


据专家测算3个关不紧的水龙头一个月能滴掉18吨水,某单位有8个水龙头关不紧,如果不及时修理,一个月能滴掉多少吨水?一年呢?( 用比例解)



①工作能力超棒的小王春节后跳槽,经理让我      他那一摊子工作,这几天可把我愁坏了。

②前不久记者在音乐厅遇到杭州赶来的郭先生,因为连门口的最后一张“退票”都没有抢到,他      买了5张下一场的票。

③由节气演变为风俗,演变为节日的,在二十四节气中也只有清明了。从某种程度上说,清明节也是人性美好的体现,它不是过给自己的节日,是      给先人、亲人的怀念。












