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2.8 g Fe全部溶于一定浓度、200 mL的HNO3溶液中,得到标准状况下的气体1.12 L,测得反应后溶液的pH为1。若反应前后溶液体积变化忽略不计,则下列有关判断正确的是(  )。

A.反应后溶液中c(NO3-)=0.85 mol·L-1

B.反应后的溶液最多还能溶解1.82 g Fe

C.反应前HNO3溶液的浓度为1.0 mol·L-1

D.1.12 L气体是NO、NO2的混合气体


(1) 4月份销售应税药品,收蓟货款20000元(含税),由本厂运输部门运输,收到运费3400元;其中建设基金1200元,装卸费300元。
(2) 4月份外购生产用材料取得增值税专用发票注明税金8500元,已验收入库。支付运费1200元(有货票),其中建设基金100元,装卸费200元,运费900元。
(3) 5月份销售免税药品一批,价款150000元(不含税),动用外购原材料成本28000元。
(4) 5月份销售应税药品100万元(不含税)。
(5) 5月份外购应税产品包装物取得增值税专用发票上注明税款5000元,支付产品说明书加工费2000元,取得专用发票上注明税款340元。

4月份销项税额为( )元。






There’s a human liver sitting in a lab dish in Madison, Wis. Also a heart, a brain and every bone in the human body even though the contents of the dish are a few cells too small to be seen without a microscope. But these are stem cells, the most immature human cells ever discovered, taken from embryos before they had decided upon their career path in the body. (46) If scientists could only figure out how to give them just the right kick in just the right direction, each could become a liver, a heart, a brain or a bone. (47) When a team from the University of Wisconsin announced their discovery, doctors around the world looked forward to a new era of medicine one without organ-donor shortages or the tissues-rejection problems that bedevil transplant patients today.

Doctors also saw obstacles, though. One of them was a U. S. Congress skittish about research on stem cells taken from unwanted human embryos and aborted fetuses. Indeed, 70 lawmakers asked in a firmly worded letter that the Federal Government ban all such work.

Yet the era of "grow your own" organs is already upon us, as researchers have sidestepped the stem cell controversy by making clever use of ordinary cells. Today a machinist in Massachusetts is using his own cells to grow a new thumb after he lost part of his chest wall in an accident. A teenager born without half of his chest wall is growing a new cage of bone and cartilage within his chest cavity. Scientists announced that bladders, grown from bladder cells in a lab, have been implanted in dogs and are working. Meanwhile, patches of skin, the first "tissue-engineered" organ to be approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, are healing sores and skin ulcers on hundreds of patients across the U. S.

How have scientists managed to do all this without those protean stem cells Part of the answer is smart engineering. (48) Using materials such as polymers with pores no wider than a toothbrush bristle, researchers have learned to sculpt scaffolds in shapes into which cells can settle. The other part of the answer is just plain cell biology. (49) Scientists have discovered that they don’t have to teach old cells new tricks; given the right framework and the right nutrients, cells will organize themselves into real tissues as the scaffolds dissolve. "I’m a great believer in the cells. They’re not just lying there, looking stupidly at each other," says Francois Auger, an infectious disease specialist and builder of artificial blood vessels at Laval University in Quebec City. "They will do the work for you if you treat them right."

Replacement hearts—or even replacement heart parts—are at least a decade off, estimates Kiki Hellman, who monitors tissue-engineering efforts for the FDA. "Any problem that requires lots of cell types ’talking’ to one another is really hard," she notes. Bone and cartilage efforts are much closer to fruition, and could be ready for human trials within two years. (50) And what of those magical stem cells that can grow into any organ you happen to need—if the law and biologists’ knowledge permit "Using them," says Sefton, "is really the Holy Grail.

(47) When a team from the University of Wisconsin announced their discovery, doctors around the world looked forward to a new era of medicine one without organ-donor shortages or the tissues-rejection problems that bedevil transplant patients today.








