What an exciting day it was for Jennifer



What an exciting day it was for Jennifer and Valerie! They had been friends since Grade Three and had   41  many of their high school experience. Now they were driving together to their final high school event. Today was  42   day at Lamar High School. 43 they were close friends, they were different in many ways. Jennifer was a fairly 44 student while Valerie did just enough to get by and was mainly   45   in a good social life.

“Isn't it  46   that we're all finished?”said Valerie. “I'm really looking forward to having a good time this summer.”

“ 47   be nice,” Jennifer replied, “I'm afraid I'm going to have to work most of the summer to help pay for my college expenses.”

Jennifer's parents had only a small  48   and she had made up her mind to have an occupation in which she could afford all the things her  49   could not.

Valerie,  50  , came from a fairly well-to-do family. She had little desire to work hard for  51  she had always taken for granted.

“I really don't want to go to college for a while,” she   52  .

“My uncle runs a restaurant in the Bahamas and he has  53   me to spend a year there as a waitress. That should give me plenty of   54  for the beach.”

“It seems   55  I'll really be going different ways now”, thought Jennifer.

41. A. learned        B. obtained          C. remembered     D. shared

42. A. exam                  B. sports              C. graduation         D. working

43. A. If                     B. Because           C. Although           D. When

44. A. diligent             B. polite              C. active              D. favorite

45. A. specialized   B. relieved           C. envied               D. interested

46. A. certain              B. great               C. unfortunate        D. annoying

47. A. Can                  B. Shall             C. Must                      D. Need

48. A. income               B. problem            C. family                    D. differance

49. A. teachers       B. parents              C. friends                   D. relatives

50. A. in fact                B. in a way          C. as a result        D. on the other hand

51. A. what                 B. whom               C. that                        D. these

52. A. admitted           B. complained        C. invited                   D. screamed

53. A. helped              B. assured                     C. proposed                D. promised

54. A. peace         B. work                 C. energy             D. time

55. A. I                      B. we                    C. she                  D. they



     In 2004, the World Health Organization, WHO, warned of a possible outbreak of another serious disease

which may be even more deadly than SARS. The WHO believes that it is likely that bird flu will spread to

human beings in the next few years. If it does, up to seven millions people could die from the disease.

     Diseases like bird flu are caused by viruses, that is, tiny things which change and become more dangerous

over time. When a new type of a common virus changes, it may be able to get past the body's immune (免疫

的) system. If that happens, humans are in great danger until a cure or treatment becomes available.

     There have always been viruses and people always get sick, of course, but as we saw with SARS, the

situation is more difficult today. People travel more than ever before, which means that disease can spread

quickly and across large areas-in fact the whole world.

     Scientists are already working on drugs that will prevent or limit the effect of a new virus, but the process

takes time. It is just as important to make sure that countries, especially poor countries, are prepared to deal

with the disease. New disease usually affect poor areas the most, so we must help develop health care in all


1. The situation is more serious today because _____. [ ]

A. people travel more

B. people don't eat healthy food

C. there aren't enough hospitals

D. scientists can't find a cure

2. From this passage we know _____. [ ]

A. bird flu will surely spread to human beings in the next few years

B. a virus changes and become less dangerous over time

C.SARS is 1ikely to come again in some years

D. poor areas usually suffers more from new diseases than rich areas

3. The possible title of this passage is _____. [ ]

A. The Work of WHO

B. Scientists Are Working Hard on Drugs for Diseases

C. What Is a Virus

D. Virus Changes and Causes New Diseases Over Time









甲公司将自产的一批应税消费品(非金银首饰)用于在建工程。该批消费品成本为300万元,计税价格为500万元。该批消费品适用的增值税税率为17%,消费税税率为10%。据此计算,应计入在建工程成本的金额为( )万元。




A.吸(shǔ 吝(jiā 缠绵恻(fě

B.磋(qiè) 命(yǔ 设身地(chǔ)

C.破(zhà 发(jià 苗助长(yà)

D.候(cì) 断(ǎ 如法制(pà
