肺炎链球菌的致病力主要来源于() A.外毒素 B.内毒素 C.杀白细胞素 D.荚膜侵

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题




题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

一个正四棱锥和一个正四面体的所有棱长都相等,将它们的一个三角形重合在一起,组成一个新的几何体,则新几何体是(    )





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

一铁块在空气中称重为4.4牛,浸没在水中,弹簧秤的示数为3.4牛.则  [ ]

A. 铁块所受的浮力是4.4牛

B. 铁块所受的浮力是3.4牛 

C. 铁块所受的浮力是7.8牛

D. 铁块所受浮力是1牛

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


     If you walk slowly through downtown Helsinki (赫尔辛基) during the day, taking in the splendid 19th

century buildings, white boats and noise of passing trams (有轨电车), you will start to understand why it

is called a city of two colors: white and blue.

     The sea is always present in Helsinki. When you take a walk over the great open space of the central

square, you will hear seabirds screaming. When you take the tram, suddenly and unexpectedly, you are

faced with a calm, shining blue sea. You may notice that people in Helsinki do not rush about as in other

cities. Instead, they walk along the roads, politely letting other people by.

     A usual way to see Helsinki for the first time is to start out by boat. You will walk by the elderly women

selling fish and vegetables in the market square and find yourself in front of a beautiful park. You may enjoy

a pleasant walk in the park for a few hours and then take the tram. Trams are the perfect way to get around

in Helsinki. Watching the old houses, parks, theatres, churches, shops, restaurants and people in the streets,

you may have a slightly sad film feeling to it.

     The pale summer nights are another wonder in the city. Following the waterfront (滨水区) of the city

after sunset, you couldn't help stopping and listening to the sweet silence, interrupted only by the screaming

seabirds and leaving fishing boats.

     However, in some way Helsinki is also the most modern city in northern Europe. You will surely want to

visit the white Glass Palace, the modern art museum, and all those extremely popular cafes and design stores.

1. Helsinki is called a city of two colors mainly because of the colors of its ______.

A. 19th century buildings, boats and parks

B. 19th century buildings, boats and seabirds

C. old houses, parks and trams

D. old buildings, boats and the sea

2. The best way to see most of Helsinki is to go _____.

A. by boat

B. by bus

C. by tram

D. on foot

3. The 19th century buildings, the white Glass Palace, popular cafes and design shops in Helsinki all show that 

    Helsinki is _____.

A. both splendid and traditional

B. both quiet and noisy

C. both historical and modern

D. both old and new

4. This passage is most likely to be found in _____.

A. a story book

B. a geography textbook

C. a research report

D. a travel magazine
