




( ) .






問題2 (   )に入れるのに最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。

市役所のロビーで、アマチュア写真家による写真展が(  )います。






在代码中定义了—个子过程: Sub P(a,b)... End Sub 下面调用该过程的格式是正确的。

A.Call P

B.Call P 10,20

C.Call P(10,20)



Stress is our response to threatening or (1) events. We may experience different levels of stress depending on the (2) , meaning the events or circumstances that cause us to feel stress. Stressors can be classified into (3) main categories: (4) events, personal stressors, and (5) stressors. Cataclysmic events are major events that cause stress (6) , immediately, for a great many people at once. Personal stressors are major life events that create stress, including (7) life events. Background stressors are (8) hassles, or minor irritations, or (9) background stressors. Repeated exposure to stressors has both psychological and (10) consequences. The long- term consequence is that body tissues such as the heart and blood vessels can begin to (11) . The (12) system functions less effectively, and (13) our ability to fight off illnesses.
The General Adaptation (14) explains the sequence of physiological reactions to stress. There are three phases to G. A. S. The first is the " alarm and (15) " phase: we respond with alarm, and take (16) to remove the stressor. The second phase is the (17) stage: we fight against the stressor or try to cope with the stressor. This can lead to the third phase. (18) . The exhaustion phase may be an (19) way of trying to avoid the stressors. The body may be telling us that we need to do whatever is (20) to remove the stressor.

Stress is our response to threatening or (1) events. We may experience different levels of stress depending on the (2) , meaning the events or circumstances that cause us to feel stress. Stressors can be classified into (3) main categories: (4) events, personal stressors, and (5) stressors. Cataclysmic events are major events that cause stress (6) , immediately, for a great many people at once. Personal stressors are major life events that create stress, including (7) life events. Background stressors are (8) hassles, or minor irritations, or (9) background stressors. Repeated exposure to stressors has both psychological and (10) consequences. The long- term consequence is that body tissues such as the heart and blood vessels can begin to (11) . The (12) system functions less effectively, and (13) our ability to fight off illnesses.
The General Adaptation (14) explains the sequence of physiological reactions to stress. There are three phases to G. A. S. The first is the " alarm and (15) " phase: we respond with alarm, and take (16) to remove the stressor. The second phase is the (17) stage: we fight against the stressor or try to cope with the stressor. This can lead to the third phase. (18) . The exhaustion phase may be an (19) way of trying to avoid the stressors. The body may be telling us that we need to do whatever is (20) to remove the stressor.


目前确认的有性行为传播的疾病有30余种,常见由淋病、衣原体感染、梅毒、软下疳、非淋菌性 * * 炎、艾滋病、生殖器疱疹等。
