There are many customs and traditions co



There are many customs and traditions connected to yearly celebrations which are part of Britain’s folklore (民俗). Lughnasadh is a celebration at the beginning of August. A custom connected with it is to make corn dolls with corn from the last of the harvest. The doll is saved until the following spring when it is put back into the earth with new seeds. People believe that the doll contains the spirit of the corn and will bring a good harvest. Christmas too is full of ancient customs. The traditions of lighting a fire and decorating the home with an evergreen have their roots in times long before Christianity. The fire is to keep away evil spirits and fill the home with light and the evergreen is valued because it is a sign that life continued during those cold, dark days.

Not all the origins of ancient traditions are remembered, however. The roots of Morris dancing, for example, are not known. This is a dance in which men (and sometimes women ) dressed in white dance together. Some people think the dance may be from pre-Christmas times, and others say it was introduced into Britain in the late 15th century and that it comes from Moorish dancing. In any case, it is interesting to see that Morris dancing is not a dying tradition. There are Morris dancing groups in places as far away as New Zealand and San Francisco!

Although these customs have been passed down to us from forgotten generations, they themselves have not been forgotten and continue to play a part in our modern lives. Every week groups of individuals regularly meet to sing, play instruments or practice ancient dances and this month people all over Britain shall be preparing their homes for the ancient celebration we now call Christmas, lighting fires and putting up Christian trees, just as their great-great–grandfathers once did.

小题1:Why are corn dolls used to celebrate Lughnasadh? (no more than 14 words)(2分)


小题2:How do people celebrate Christmas according to the passage?(no more than 10 words)(2分)


小题3:What idea does the underlined sentence try to support ? (no more than 11words)(3分)


小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage? ( no more than 9 words)  (3分)





从《贞观长歌》中可以看出:统治者重视发展生产、减轻农民负担,从而开创了“贞观之治”的局面。这位统治者是[ ]

A. 隋文帝    

B. 唐高祖    

C. 唐太宗    

D. 唐玄宗




关于CO2和SiO2的比较错误的是[ ]









