Directions: Read the following passage.



Directions: Read the following passage.  Answer the. questions according to the information given in the passage.

As an English teacher. I've been lucky enough to travel to many countries. I've seen people celebrating everything from the arrival of new babies to the delivery of new cars. I've attended weddings, parties and religious celebrations in countries as far apart as Argentina and Japan, and I've noticed that gold - the metal or the colour is almost always part of cultural events, traditions and celebrations.

From  'mashallah'  gold tokens(纪念品)  that people give to babies in Turkey,  to the gold stars that primary teachers stick on their students' exercise books. to the gold coffin that the 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson was buried in. it makes me wonder: Why do people love gold?

For some people, gold seems to be a status symbol. Indian businessman Datta Phuge loves gold so much that he's even bought a shirt made of the stuff-at a cost of $ 250,000. Datta Phuge has his reasons.   He explains :  "Some elite (杰出人物)people want to own an Audi or Mercedes(奔驰) and have big cars. I chose gold. "

For other people, gold is an investment.  The price of gold generally increases over time-and in European markets it reached over $ 1,500 per ounce in 2011.

And for many people, the family heirloom(传 * * )brings together status and investment. My mother has a gold bracelet that was given to her by her grandmother-who, in turn. inherited it from her own grandmother.   It's quite a heavy piece and probably worth quite a lot of money.  But its sentimental value is greater than its value in dollars:  It ' s a beautiful object that holds many family memories. When the time comes, my mum will give the bracelet to me.

So, status and investment are good reasons to value gold. But, I think that the real reason people love gold is because it can be made into beautiful objects.  Think about Tutankhamen' s death mask. People love gold because it captures our minds, our imaginations and. above all, our hearts.

小题1: What did the writer observe while travelling in different countries7  ( No more than 15 words)

(2 marks)

小题2:Why did Indian businessman Datta Phuge buy a gold shirt? (No more than 7 words) (3 marks)


小题3:What does the writer think of her mother's gold bracelet? (No more than 7 words) (2 marks)


小题4: In the writer's opinion, why do people love gold? (No more than 17 words) (3 marks)







材料二: 如图



(1) 根据材料一指出,为加强中央对地方的有效管理,秦王朝实行了什么制度?(1分)

(2) 材料二中A地在当时称为西域,它是通过什么机构的设置归属中央的?(1分)该机构的设置有何意义? (1分)

(3) 依据材料三,判断这是对我国古代哪一行政制度的评价?(1分) 什么机构的设置使“西藏正式成为中央直接管辖的一个行政区”? (1分)

(4) 清朝前期,我国统一多民族国家得到进一步巩固和发展。请你列举一例清政府加强民族团结的措施。(1分)











