A群轮状病毒具有下列哪一个共同特点(). A.相同的毒力 B.相同的形态 C.相同的

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题







题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题







题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

甲公司是在B市设立的一家中外合资经营企业。2007年发生如下事项: (1) 2007年5月,甲公司接到通知,B市财政局将对该公司会计工作情况进行检查。公司董事长兼总经理王某不以为然,认为作为中外合资经营企业,不受《会计法》的约束,财政部门无权对本公司进行检查。 (2)2007年8月10日,甲公司收到一张应有甲公司与乙公司共同承担费用支出的原始凭证,甲公司会计人员张某以该原始凭证及应承担的费用进行账务处理,并保存该原始凭证;同事应乙公司要求将该原始凭证复印件提供给乙公司用于账务处理。年终,甲公司拟销毁一批保管期满的会计档案,其中有一张未结清债权债务的原始凭证,会计人员张某认为只要保管期满的会计档案就可以销毁。 (3)甲公司出纳人员李某感到出纳工作太具体,太琐碎,认为一辈子干会计没多大出息,生意工作上敷衍了事,也从未参加会计人员继续教育的培训,2007年底一次偶然机会,李某在工作中将接触到的本公司新产品研发计划的相关会计资料复印件提供给其在某民营企业任总经理的丈夫,致使该企业获利,给甲公司造成了一定损失。 (4)2007年12月,公司召开董事会,董事会 兼总经理王某认为:财务会计报告专业性很强,看不懂,因此公司对外报送的财务会计报告一律由总会计师一人把关,并签字盖章后就可以对外报出。 (5)年末会计人员张某开始休产假,公司一时找不到合适人选,决定由出纳李某兼任张某的收入、费用账目的登记工作。 请根据以上所述事项,结合相关法规回答下列有关问题


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


     "Pay has little to do with motivation in the workplace". That's the argument put forward by best-selling

author Daniel Pink in his new book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. "Pay for

performance is supposed to be a folk tale," he says.

     Daniel argues that, if employees receive a basic level of payment, three other factors matter more than

money: a sense of independence, of mastery over one's labor, and of serving a purpose larger than oneself.

For example, in 2008 at the offices of Best Buy's Richfield, salaried workers there were allowed to organize

their own work day, putting in only as many hours as they felt necessary to get their jobs done. Productivity

increased by 35% according to The Harvard Business Review.

     But the managers at Goldman Sachs aren't exactly making some efforts to adjust. Like others on Wall

Street, the banking giant argues that fat bonuses (extra rewards) are essential to make its numbers. "That's

exactly the attitude that leads to the recent financial crisis in the United States," responds Daniel, "as managers

always focus on short-term rewards that encourage cheating, shortcuts, and dishonest behavior."

     Moreover, the 45-year-old author and former Al Gore speechwriter refers to social-science experiments

and experiences at such workplaces as Google and 3M. In one 2005 experiment he describes, economists

working for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston tested the power of incentives (激励) by offering cash

rewards to those who did wellin games that included reciting a series of numbers and throwing tennis balls

at a target. The researchers' finding: Over and over, higher incentives led to worse performance-and those

given the highest incentives did the poorest job.

     From this and other cases, Daniel draws a conclusion that monetary incentives remove the element of

play and creativity, transforming "an interesting task into a dull one." It's even possible, he adds, for oversized

rewards to have dangerous side effects, like those of a drug dependency in which an addicted requires ever

larger amounts. He refers to scientific testing that shows the promise of cash rewards increase a chemical in

the brain similar to that brought on by cocaine or nicotine.

     Daniel, however, is also aware that his company examples-no GE, no IBM, no Microsoft-hardly represent

the commanding heights of the economy. But he thinks his approach will catch on, even in the biggest

companies. "Managers tend to be realistic, and in time they will respond," he says.

1. In his book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink is promoting the idea that [ ]

A. it is a money-driven society

B. all workers are not driven by money

C. money plays a key role in management

D. pay has nothing to do with workplaces

2. In Daniel's point of view, many Wall Street managers are _____. [ ]

A. dishonest

B. considerate

C. short-sighted

D. ridiculous

3. In paragraph 5, the example of drug-taking is given to show _____. [ ]

A. money is as addictive as cocaine or nicotine

B. big rewards bring about dangerous side effect

C. nicotine and money bring the same chemical

D workers do not need the incentives of money at all

4. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____.[ ]

A. Daniel's approach will be popular in a wider field

B. realistic managers will first consider Daniel's approach

C. Daniel's approach meets the demand of economic crisis

D. GE, IBM and Microsoft will join in Daniel's approach next
