读图,回答下列各题。 小题1:有关图中各地发展特色农业的叙述,正确的是 A.A















传感器是把非电学量(如速度、温度、压力等)的变化转换成电学量的变化的一种元件,在自动控制中有着相当广泛的应用.有一种测量人的体重的电子秤,其测量部分的原理图如图中的虚线框所示,它主要由压力传感器R(电阻值会随所受压力大小发生变化的可变电阻)、显示体重大小的仪表A(实质是理想的电流表)组成.压力传感器表面能承受的最大压强为1×107Pa,且已知压力传感器R的电阻与所受压力的关系如下表所示.设踏板和压杆的质量可以忽略不计,接通电源后,压力传感器两端的电压恒为4.8 V,取g=10 m/s2.请回答:



(2)如果某人站在该秤踏板上,电流表刻度盘的示数为20 mA,则这个人的体重是_    _ kg.


“非对称数字用户线”指的是( )。













Jockeys(职业赛马骑师) are the smallest athletes. They are rarely over five feet six, or 120 pounds. The lighter the weight on the horse, the faster it can go.

Riding fast horses on the track is tough on the small jockeys. The jockey doesn’t“sit”on the horse. He leans forward on his legs. The strain is on his thighs(大腿) and calf(小腿) muscles. As jockeys age, their legs“go”first. Jockeys also need arm strength. It’s a strain holding a 1000-pound racehorse.

On muddy days, jockeys get a pounding of mud. The mud comes flying off the hooves(蹄) of the horses in front. “It feels like someone is punching you all over,”says one rider.

And a jockey can be hurt. A jockey can have a leg jammed between two horses. Or it can get caught between horse and the rail. The worst accidents are from falls. A horse may fall on his rider. Or horses behind may trample if he hits the track. In one year about 240 riders are hurt badly. That’s one out of six jockeys.

But the jockeys are well-paid. A jockey keeps about ten percent of the money his horses win. Jacinto Vasquez, a five-foot-three comer, has ridden horses to $7,000,000 in wins in the last eight years, which means he does almost $100,000 a year.

Why do some jockeys do better than others? “It isn’t the way a boy sits on a horse or uses the reins or the whip,”says Conn McCreary. McCreary was a top jockey of the 1950’s. He rode two Kentucky Derby winners. “Most jockeys do this the same. It’s the ‘feel’ he has for the horses.”

“When you come right down to it, it just seems that horses run better for some riders,” McCreary says. “A real good jockey doesn’t lose with the best horse. And sometimes he’ll win with the second or third best.”

Many Latin-American riders, like Jacinto, seem to have the knack. “Maybe it’s because we grew up with horses,”says Jacinto. “Maybe it’s because we like to ride. There was a strike at Aqueduct last year. We, Jorge Velasquez, and Angel Cordero (two other top Latin riders) went to a park. We rented horses, and rode around the bridle path(骑马专用道)!”

小题1:The main idea of Paragraph 1 is about ______________.

A.the size of jockeys.

B.the age of jockeys

C.the size of the horse

D.the speed of the horse小题2:When a jockey is riding a fast horse, he doesn’t __________.

A.really sit on the horse

B.lean forward on his legs

C.use much arm strength

D.get any mud on wet track小题3: The most dangerous problem for a jockey arises __________________.

A.when his leg is jammed between two horses

B.when his clothes are splashed over with mud.

C.when the jockey’s horse falls on the jockey

D.when the jockey is not well paid小题4:A really good jockey can often win a race ____________.

A.only when he rides on the best horse

B.even when he rides the second best horse

C.when he rides on a rented horse

D.if the horse is just a Kentucky Herby小题5: The underlined word “Knack” in the last paragraph probably means__________________.

A.special skill

B.dangerous hobby

C.riding culture

D.excellent horses.


张某,男,16周岁,因涉嫌盗窃被拘留审查。在讯问张某时,侦查人员应当及时通知其亲属到场。( )
