以下是两幅对联的上句,请你对出下句。(6分) (1)清风冷雨催花落,。 (2)风




(1)清风冷雨催花落,                           。

(2)风雨有韵传故事,                           。











     The earth has warmed by about half a degree (0.5) over the last 100 years. It could be getting warmer

on its own, but many scientists think that people are making the Earth warmer by making a greenhouse

effect (温室效应). The greenhouse effect is important. Without it, the Earth would not be warm enough

for us to live on. But just a little warmer than it is now could cause problems for humans, plants and animals.

     Many of things we do every day can change the Earth's temperature by sending greenhouse gases into

the air. We send greenhouse gases into the air when we watch TV, turn on lights, dry hair, play video games,

wash or dry our clothes or drive cars. The rubbish from factories and homes also produces greenhouse gases.

     Even a small change in temperature can affect our weather. This can cause changes in the sea levels,

the air, flooding, and our fresh water.

     The change in the temperature can also cause changes in the living places for animals and plants,

endangering many animals.

     Global warming (全球变暖) is a big problem, and every little bit we do can help. We can save electricity.

We can save energy in other ways such as by taking buses or walking rather than driving cars. We can

recycle to reduce the rubbish and save natural resources such as trees, oil and metals. We can buy products

that don't do bad to the environment and we can turn to solar energy. Remember the little bit that you do

will bring a better world.

1. _________ does not send greenhouse gases into the air?

A. Turning on a light

B. Walking to school

C. Driving a car

D. Watching TV

2. Without the greenhouse effect, we would _________.

A. not be able to live

B. be safer

C. have a cleaner earth

D. have a better world

3. The passage mainly talks about _________.

A. the earth could be getting warmer by itself

B. the earth is getting warmer in 100 years

C the greenhouse effect is important

D. humans are making the earth warmer




Greg Mortenson is a mountaineer. In 1993, he   21   but failed to reach K2, one of the most forbidding of the Himalyayan  22  . He staggered(蹒跚) into a tiny village of Korphe in Pakistan, barely alive. The   23   villagers cared for him and fed him back to health. The __24   they showed to a stranger moved Mortenson, and filled him with a' desire to 25   it.

Looking around, he saw that the poor villagers had actually nothing. 26   , he could see the desire of the villagers to   27   their community. For example, they dreamed of 28   for their children. The children received schooling two days a week from a teacher they   29   with another village, because they couldn't   30   to hire one alone. Naturally, the village had no schoolhouse. Moretenson thought it was by building a school   31   he could best express his   32   for their kindness to him. He left,   33   he would return with necessary materials.

However, things didn't go  34   as he had expected. He was a nurse by profession, and wasn't  well   35    It was a struggle for him to raise the $10,000 or so needed to buy the building materials.    36   problems, including his then Cultural   37   of the area led to a series of frustrations. But with his efforts and cooperation of the villagers, he eventually overcame the __ 38  . He fulfilled his promise.

After that he wanted to return to America,build a career and start a family. However, it ba-came clear that a school for Korphe was just the start. There were so many other villagers in Pa-kistan that had the similar needs. The more   39   he became, the more he came to understand the area and the more he realized how important education was. The   40   was that, in the pe-riod of over a decade, 55 schools were built.

21. A. approached     B. paused           C. hesitated          D. attempted

22. A. peaks          B. levels            C. hills              D. slopes

23. A. cold           B. mean             C. kind              D. tiny

24. A. bravery        B. ability            C.poverty           D.generosity

25. A. receive        B. repay              C. respect         D. recycle

26. A. Besides        B. However         C. Therefore          D. Moreover

27. A. develop        B. visit              C. design            D. increase

28. A. career         B. development      C. education         D. health

29. A. traded          B. worked           C. communicated    D. shared

30. A. help            B. manage           C. decide            D. afford

31. A. that             B. which            C. what              D. if

32. A. sympathy        B. gratitude          C. attitude           D. anger

33. A. adding          B. promising         C. demanding        D. warning

34. A. smoothly        B. badly             C. closely            D. properly

35. A. dressed          B. received           C. respected          D. paid

36. A. Some             B. Others            C. Other             D. Another

37. A. interaction       B. ignorance         C. background       D. difference

38. A. difficulities       B. fears            C. temptations(诱惑)D, shortcomings

39. A. interested        B. rooted            C. involved          D. lost

40. A. result            B. idea              C. cause             D. report









