在企业财产保险中,固定资产的保险金额的确定方式不包括()。 A.按照账面原值确定 B









分析由于组织的原因而影响项目目标实现的问题,并采取相应的措施,属于项目目标动态控制的( )。



No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world, but the number may be over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people. As we get older, many of us will become less mobile (可动的) , hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people’s attitude(态度) towards them.

  Disabled people face many physical barriers(障碍). Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance (无知) represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person(个人) and their ability, not their disability, which counts.

小题1:The first paragraph points out that ___________.

A.it is possible to get an exact number of the world’s disabled people

B.there are many disabled people in the world

C.the number of disabled people in India is the greatest

D.India has not much more disabled people than Canada小题2:The key word in Paragraph 4 is ___________.




D.prejudice小题3: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.

B.The whole society should pay more attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people.

C.Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.

D.There is still prejudice against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance.小题4:It can be concluded(推断)from the passage that ___________.

A.we should try our best to prevent disablement

B.we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled

C.the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled

D.both physical and mental barriers are hard to break down


主张统治者绝对不必向其臣民负责的启蒙思想家是(    )














Every year, major storms cause many problems around the world. There is nothing people can do to stop these powerful forces of nature. But new techniques are helping scientists to predict how, when, and where big storms will happen. The more exact scientists’ warnings are, the better people can prepare for the storms.

Predictions are improving. “We’re gotten better over the years, especially the last few years,” says Phil Klotzbach, a scientist at an American university. How is a storm formed? Even if scientists know where a storm will happen, winds can suddenly change, carrying the storm to a new direction. “For a hurricane to happen, conditions have to be just right, ” Klotzbach says.

First, the ocean water needs to be warm enough so that it evaporates and rises into the air. As it rises, the vapor(水蒸气)cools and turns back into liquid. This process gives off heat. This produces energy like an engine that causes winds to increase. It drives the formation of a hurricane.

If wind speeds reach 40 miles per hour, the system is called a “tropical storm”, and it gets a name. At 75 miles per hour, it becomes a hurricane.

Hurricanes that hit the US start when a thunderstorm forms off the coast of Africa. Storms also develop over tropical waters in other parts of the world.

On average, 60 or 70 storms form off Africa every year. About 10 of them get names. There are usually about six hurricanes. Two tend to be very big, with winds of 115 miles per hour or higher.

The hurricane season lasts from June to November. Ninety percent of all hurricanes hit in August, September, and October. 

1. According to the passage, hurricanes usually ________.

A. form off the coast of Africa and America

B. travel at 40 miles per hour and get its name

C. cause sea winds to rise and blow over the sea

D. hit parts of the world in summer and autumn

2. The underlined word “evaporates” (in Paragraph 5) probably means “________”.

A. begins to move  B. gets lost    C. becomes hot       D. changes into gas

3. Which of the following about the information of a hurricane is the correct order?

a. The ocean water evaporates and goes into the air.

b. Heat creates energy and causes winds to increase.

c. The vapor cools.

d. The ocean water is warm enough.

e. The vapor changes back into liquid.

f. This course gives out heat.

A. a, d, e, b, c, f     B. a, b, c, f, d, e  C. d, a, c, e, f, b    D. d, a, b, c, e, f

4. According to the passage, the speed of the biggest two hurricanes reaches ______.

A.115 miles per hour                 B.110 miles per hour

C.75 miles per hour                  D.95 miles per hour
