—What's your telephone number? —______ 2



—What's your telephone number?    

—______ 218-1306.  [ ]

A. I'm  

B. Is it  

C. It's



材料一  明永乐时期,国家强盛统一,政治较为清明。政府致力于恢复和发展中国与海外诸国的友好关系,开展了大规模的外交和外贸活动,从而有郑和下西洋之举……郑和下西洋的壮举,建立了亚非国家间的和平关系,提高了当时中国在国际上的威望……赢得了亚非许多国家对中国的信任和友谊,两洲数十个国家沿着郑和所开辟的航路,不远万里,纷纷来宾,向明王朝赠送珍贵礼物。                       ——《中国大百科全书?中国历史》

材料二  我国对外援助始于1950年,改革开放前的28年,我国对外援助的主要内容是向受援国提供贷款或无偿援助。那时我们提供的贷款一般都是无息贷款;对外援助的方式一般为成套项目援助、技术援助、物资援助及现汇援助。根据解密的外交部档案,1976年以前我国曾向110多个国家和地区提供经济援助。我国对外援助支出占财政支出的比例“一五”“二五”期间为1%多一点。从1963年开始,比例逐年提高……1971~1975年,中国对外援助支出猛增,占同期国家财政支出的比例达5.88%……1973已升至7.2%,超出世界上最发达、最富裕国家对外经济援助的比例。     ——张淑贞《改革开放前中国对外援助若干鲜为人知的史实》   

材料三  国务院 * * 温 * * 8日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫出席中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议开幕式并发表了题为《全面推进中非新型战略伙伴关系》的重要讲话。表示新形势下中国将继续在力所能及范围内增加对非援助、减免非洲国家债务,优化对非援助结构……中国愿意和非洲国家不断深化各领域务实合作……提升经贸合作,实现互利共赢……中国鼓励更多企业赴非洲投资……向非洲国家提供100亿美元优惠性质贷款……扩大对非产品开放市场,逐步给予非洲与中国建交的最不发达国家95%的产品免关税待遇,2010年年内首先对60%的产品实施免关税。进一步加强农业、医疗卫生、人力资源、教育合作。                             ——新华社2009年11月8日电   








China is an ___________ country.[ ]

A. west 

B. east

C. western

D. eastern


Group buying is one of the fastest growing trends in South Africa today. Industry leaders are confident the growth potential remains strong since group buying is location-specific. Start-up costs are low and profit room remains high, so many sites continue to receive invested money despite widespread criticism and Facebook’s decision to phase out of deal business due to privacy concerns.

In the early stages of all industries, some companied fail because they cannot compete with stronger companies in difficult economic conditions. To deal with difficult conditions, an alarming number of businesses are developing group buying websites in places like China and India, so the increase of group buying in South Africa is nothing more than a natural progression into the international mainstream.

The group buying concept is fairly new and consumers have accepted this concept because they can now make full use of the rich information available on the Internet. Group buying is convenient and easy so it works. Anyone can view a site, join a mailing list, subscribe to RSS or print out a coupon(优惠券). The current group buying structure offered by the industry leaders works although there are still challenges to overcome.

Perhaps, the future of group buying is tied to the joining together of social media and mobile devices. Mobile devices are with us wherever we go and almost everyone is using some type of social media site like Facebook or Twitter to stay informed. Using GPS and social media technology to provide real time location-specific promotions would be beneficial to every consumer looking for the best deals in town.

Pause for a moment and think about it! What is better than signing on to your phone while having fun in town and you receive a real time information that your favorite shop across the street is offering a killer dial?

The future of the group buying in South Africa is bright and we can expect to see more advanced approaches to this concept in the future. In addition to the technological advances consumers will see the range of promotions expand to include new products and services.

小题1:What does the underlined phrase “phase out of” mean in the passage?

A.Gradually stop

B.Gradually increase

C.Begin to develop

D.Continue to enlarge小题2:The author sets China and India as examples to show that      .

A.China and India are powerful countries

B.China and India are in difficult economic conditions

C.group buying is successful worldwide

D.group buying is an international trend小题3: Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.People have accepted group buying because it’s a new concept

B.Social media and mobile devices have been joined

C.GPS and social media technology will be helpful in group buying

D.Shops usually offer a killer deal when their customers are having fun小题4:The author’s attitude towards the future of group buying is     .




D.subjective小题5:What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The history of group buying

B.Group buying in South Africa

C.The feature of group buying

D.The group buying concept








