小便不畅,点滴而短少,病势较缓者应诊断为() A.水肿 B.淋证 C.癃 D.闭 E

题型:单项选择题 A型题








题型:单项选择题 A型题

Michael Leung, a famous TV host in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his son. It’s not only  h 小题1:  to children, but also good for all ages. The following are chosen f 小题2:  his letter.

Life is short. While you’re wasting it today, you’ll r 小题3:  you are at the end of it tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the earlier you can e 小题4:  it.

You might not be successful i 小题5:  you don’t study hard, although a lot of successful people haven’t r 小题6:  higher education.

I don’t expect you to support me for the rest of m 小题7:  life, so I’m not going to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up.

You can require yourself to be nice to others, b 小题8:  you shouldn’t expect the same from others.

I’ve been buying the lottery( * * ) for almost 20 y 小题9: , but I’m still poor. I have never even got third place. So you have to work hard to be successful. There’s no f 小题10:  lunch in the world.

题型:单项选择题 A型题
     In the United States, sixteen, eighteen, and twenty-one are important ages in a person's life. There are
no special celebrations for these birthdays, but each is a time when a person can do new things to mark
their transition (转变) into adult-hood (成人时期).
     After turning sixteen a person can work, get a driver's licence and leave home. Many high school
students learn to drive and get part-time jobs soon after celebrating their sixteenth birthday.
     At the age of eighteen a person in the United States can vote and smoke, but they are prohibited from
going into many nightclubs, buying wine or gambling (赌博) until they are twenty-one.
     In many Latin (拉丁的) cultures, a young woman's fifteenth birthday is important. At this age, she is
regarded as an adult. To mark this special day, families with teenage daughters have a celebration called a
Quinceanera. The day begins with the young woman and her family going to church. Later, there is a party
and many guests are invited.
    In Japan, young people become adults at twenty. At this age, they can legally (合法的) vote, drink wine
and smoke. The second Monday in January is a national holiday called Coming of Age Day. On this day,
twenty-year-olds celebrate by first going to a church to pray with their families. Later, they listen to
speeches given by city and school leaders. Afterward, many celebrate with family or friends late into the
    In some countries, birthday celebrations continue through adulthood. Some people celebrate their fortieth
and fiftieth birthdays, or their retirement (退休) year, with a huge party.
1. In the United States, age sixteen marks the time when you can ______.
[ ]
A. vote and drive
B. drive and get a job
C. drink wine and smoke
D. go into nightclubs
2. In some Latin cultures, the fifteenth birthday is important for ______.
[ ]
A. parents
B. young men
C. both young women and young men
D. young women
3. In Japan, young people are considered adults at age ______.
[ ]
A. sixteen
B. eighteen
C. twenty
D. twenty-one
4. Which of the following is not the turning point in a person's life in the USA?
[ ]
A. The 15th birthday.
B. The 16th birthday.
C. The 18th birthday.
D. The 21st birthday.
5. What is the meaning of the word "prohibit"?
[ ]
A. 允许
B. 禁止
C. 终止
D. 支持
题型:单项选择题 A型题













题型:单项选择题 A型题

在化学分析中,常需用KMnO4标准溶液,由于KMnO4晶体在室温下不太稳定,因而很难直接配制准确物质的量浓度的KMnO4溶液。实验室一般先称取一定质量的KMnO4晶体,粗配成大致浓度的KMnO4溶液,再用性质稳定、相对分子质量较大的基准物质草酸钠 [Mr(Na2C2O4) =134.0]对粗配的KMnO4溶液进行标定,测出所配制的KMnO4溶液的准确浓度,反应原理为:



步骤一:先粗配浓度约为0. 15mol·L-1的高锰酸钾溶液500mL。






(3)步骤二的滴定过程温度变化并不明显,但操作过程中发现前一阶段溶液褪色较慢,中间阶段褪色明显变快,最后阶段褪色又变慢。试根据影响化学反应速率的条件分析,溶液褪色明显变快的原因可能是___________ 。



题型:单项选择题 A型题






