下列四组词语中,没有错别字的一组是______。A.源远流长 面面相觑 老态龙肿




A.源远流长 面面相觑 老态龙肿 竣工

B.自惭形秽 直截了当 贻笑大方 诠释

C.同仇敌忾 同病相连 滥竽充数 征募

D.大罪晚成 以儆效尤 穷兵黩武 惦量





     A terrible mudslide (泥石流) swept through Zhouqu County in northwest China's Gansu Province

on August 7, 2010. Lots of people were killed and injured in the disaster (灾难), and some are still

missing. Now the new school semester began. How about the students there?

     Up till now, most people including teachers and students are still living in the tents. The students should

have started their new semester on August 15. However, the terrible mudslide disrupted the plan since

two schools were damaged and three others were used as resettlement areas (安置区). The new

semester had to be put off for ten days. Also, since many teachers were killed, parents were worrying that

their children might not be able to go to school. Luckily, 54 teachers from neighboring areas were sent to

Zhouqu County, and 12 volunteer teachers arrived there, too. Moreover, all the students got their text-

books and school things for free.

     On the first day of school, a girl said, "The disaster is weighing heavily on my mind (沉重地压在我

的心上). But today school begins. I'm with my classmates again. I feel so happy."

     Zhouqu County has two primary schools, two junior high schools and one senior high school. The

students of the only senior high school had to start the new semester in a school in the neighboring area.

Although the new school is far from their homes, they are happy to return to school.

1. The underlined word "disrupted" means "_____" in Chinese.

A. 实施

B. 打乱

C. 制定

D. 完善

2. The new school semester began on _____ in Zhouqu County.

A. August 7

B. August 15

C. August 25

D. September 1

3. What were the parents in Zhouqu County worrying?

A. There were no textbooks for their children.

B. Their children had problems with their studies.

C. The textbooks were too expensive for them to afford.

D. There were not enough teachers to teach their children.

4. From the underlined words the girl said, we can learn she is very _____.

A. sad

B. afraid

C. smart

D. optimistic (乐观)

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There are five schools in Zhouqu County.

B. Many people had to live in the tents after the mudslide.

C. The teachers now in Zhouqu County are much more than before.

D. The terrible mudslide killed many people and affected people's lives there.


下列名言警句中,能够反映艰苦奋斗精神的是[ ]

①忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身  ②筚路蓝缕,以启山林③宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来 ④言者无罪,闻者足戒












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