


有一双管程列管换热器由φ19mm×2mm、长4m的钢管组成。热流体走管内,其进出口温度分别为80℃和40℃;冷流体走管间,其进出口温度分别为20℃和35℃,冷水流量为1.6kg/s,平均比热容为4.2kJ/(kg·℃)。换热器的温差校正系数为0.9,其热损失可以忽略,该换热器的总传热系数Ko更接近( )。

A.(A) 508W/(m2·℃)

B.(B) 567 W/(m2·℃)

C.(C) 643W/(m2·℃)

D.(D) 1016W/(m2·℃)


His father sent him to Paris to study ____law , but instead Verne developed his love for ____theatre.  

A.the; the

B.the; x

C.x; x

D.x; the



境内生产经营应纳税所得额是( )万元。





    While being laid off and entering into retirement are far from the same, they both often leave one half of
a couple with extra time on their hands, and plenty of pent-up(被压制的) energy that their significant other, coming home after a long day at work, can't handle.
WSJ.com recently wrote an article that shared a few words of wisdom on how to deal with this situation.
Here are a few of their tips:
     1. Be nice to each other and have a positive attitude.
   As hard as it may be, try to not be discouraged during the job search and make sure to support your
spouse(配偶). If one of you says something negative, the other should try to come back with a positive.
And don't forget, compliments can go a long way.
     2. Encourage your partner to take up a hobby, get a side job or join a club.
Typically, people work an average of forty hours a week, eight to nine hours a day. So is it any wonder
that someone suddenly unemployed might go crazy with all that free time?
In order to squash the boredom before it begins, encourage your partner to stay as busy as possible. Stay
healthy and join a sports team, or learn how to cook (this benefits your spouse as well).
    Another option is taking up a side job serving food or working as a sales associate. This will allow your
sweetie to interact with other people as well as earn some money. But, of course, new hobbies shouldn't
take up the time needed to continue the job hunt.
     3. Encourage them to continue their existing friendships and to foster(培养) new ones.
    As WSJ.com points out, those who recently lost their jobs are sometimes embarrassed and therefore
shut out family and friends. They might cling(依靠)to their partners for support. Tell your wife or husband
to talk to their families and friends. They know and love them, and can be a good support system (rather
than a support group of one: you).
     4. Give each other a little space before and after "couple time."
    You may be happy to spend time with your significant other but need a little alone time after working all
day. To the recently laid off: let your partner settle down, drink a beer, and watch a little television before
you bombard (发出连珠炮似的问题)him with your idea to go skydiving or white water rafting. You may
have an endless amount of pent up energy, but they probably need some space to relax.
5. Trust each other.
    When everything is going great, it's easy to be happy and to trust your partner is doing everything he
should. It's not nearly as simple when half of your income is gone. Stand by each other as a couple and
trust that each of you is doing everything necessary to get another job.    
Title: 1.______ for How to Live with the Unemployed
Sub-titlesSpecific Information
1. Be nice to each other and have a positive attitude.While hunting the job, never lose heart, 2._______ hard it may be.
Be sure to support your husband or wife in a(n) 3.________way throughout.
2. Encourage your partner to take up a hobby, get a side job or join a club.Stay healthy and join a sports team, or learn how to cook, which is also of 4.______ to your spouse.
Take up such side jobs as working as a sales associate, 5._____your spouse not only to earn some money but also interact with other people.
3. Encourage them to continue their existing friendships and to foster new ones.Tell your wife or husband to 6.______with his/her families and friends as well as you to win good support and pull through the 7._____of losing jobs in time.
4. Give each other a little space before and after "couple time."In face of being recently unemployed, your spouse is 8.______to need some space to relax, 9.____you may have an endless amount of pent up energy.
5. Trust each other.Stand by each other as a couple and 10._____ on it that each of you is doing everything necessary to get another job.

下列属于公安机关在刑事诉讼中的职责的是( )。







对于图书管理数据库,检索藏书中比高等教育出版衽的所有图书的书价更高的书。下 面SQL语句正确的是______。 SELECT*FROM 图书 WHERE 单价>ALL;______

A.SELECT 书名 FROM 图书 WHERE 出版单位="高等教育出版社"

B.(SELECT 单价 FROM 图书 WHERE 出版单位=“高等教育出版社”)

C.SELECT 单价 FROM 图书 WHERE 读者.借书证号=借阅.借书证号

D.(SELECT 书名 FROM 图书 WHERE 读者.借书证号=借阅.借书证号)
