去除杂抗体的吸附剂应选用()。 A.不含特异性抗原的抗原液 B.含特异性抗原的抗原液

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

IP地址是由两部分组成的,一部分是( )地址,另一部分是主机地址。





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

     This is the time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents. Can you find a little extra

to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help.

                                                                         Children's Home

     We DON T want your money, but children's toys, books, and clothes IN COOD CONDIT10N

would be very welcome.

     Also, we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few

hours or days as guests. You have so much-will you share it?

     Phone Sister Thomas on 55671.

                                                                  Children's Hospice

     We look after a small number of very sick children. This important work needs skill and love. We

cannot continue without gifts or money to pay for more nursing staff. We also need storybooks and

toys suitable for quiet games.

     Please contact the Secretary. Little Children's

     Hospice, Newby Road.

                                                                 Street Food

     In the winter weather, it's no fun being homeless. It's even worse if you're hungry. We give hot food

to at least fifty people every night. It's hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help?  If not, can

you find a little money? We use a very old kitchen, and we need some new sauce pans. Money for new

ones would be most welcome indeed,

    Contact Street Food,c/o Mary's House. Elming Way, Littleton. Phone 27713.

                                                                    Youth Club

    Have you got an unwanted chair? A record player? A pot of paint? Because we can use them!

    We want to get to work on our meeting room!

    Please phone 66231 and we'll be happy to collect anything you can give us.

    Thank you !

                                                             The Night Shelter

     We offer a warm bed for the night to anyone who has nowhere to go. We rent the former

Commercial Hotel on Green Street. Although it is not expensive, we never seem to have quite enough

money. Can you let us have a few pounds? Any amount, however small, will be such a help.

     Send it to us at 15, Green St, Littleton. Please make check payable to The Night Shelter.

1. Reading the passage, you might like to help these organizations while working for        .   

A. homeless and sick children

B. less fortunate members of our society

C. hungry people who have no beds to sleep in

D. friendly members of our society to help others

2. If you like children and you could offer a happy family to a homeless child, you may go to        .   

A. Street Food

B. The Night Shelter

C. Children's Home

D. Children's Hospice

3. We can infer that           .   

A. there are too many social problems in this country

B. people are very poor during the time for giving

C. warm-hearted people like to give away money

D. this passage is taken from a local newspaper

4. If your child has grown up, you may take the child's thing to      

A. Children's Home and Children's Hospice

B. The Night Shelter and Children's Home

C. Children's Hospice and The Night Shelter

D. Street Food and The Night Shelter

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

三、阅读理解:共15题。每道题包含一段文字(或一个句子),后面是一个不完整的陈述,要求你从四个选项中选出一个来完成陈述。注意,答案可能是完成对所给文字主要意思的提要,也可能是满足陈述中其他方面的要求,你的选择应与所提要求最相符合。20世纪80年代,“网际互联协议”使得人们可以连接任意两台计算机,这样,一个巨大的网络——因特网——在全球蔓延开来。20世纪90年代,随着“超文本传输协议”的出现,人们可以链接任意两个文件,这样,一个庞大的在线图书馆兼大卖场般的万维网在因特网上迅速形成。到了今天,新的协议又出现了,它就是“网格协议”。网格协议使得人们几乎能够链接与计算机有关的其他任何东西:数据库、虚拟和可视化工具,甚至是计算机本身的计算能力。美国阿贡国家实验室的伊恩福斯特说:“人类正在迈向一个新的未来,计算机资源的实际位置已不再重要。”福斯特和南加州大学信息学院的卡尔克塞曼是网格计算领域的先驱者,他们主张网格计算类似于电网,而且需要有一个协议来支持。这种协议是实现网格计算的基本条件,因为它能够保证异构系统工作起来像单一的系统那样协调,能够使家庭和公司的计算机有能力进入到网络中寻找和调用资源而______。他们与其他人一起开发了Globus Toolkit这种能在各种平台上运行的网格计算软件,并使之成为实际上的网格计算标准,也就是网格协议。克塞曼说:“设想一下,如果你是一个应急小组的领导,正在处理一起重大有毒化学物泄漏事故,你可能想要了解事故的有关情况,如泄漏物中含有哪些化学物,预报的天气状况如何,它们对事故处理有什么影响,现在的交通状况怎样,它对疏散线路有什么影响……要在今天的因特网上找到这些问题的答案,是一件十分麻烦的事,因为登录步骤的繁琐和软件的不兼容随时可以使你陷入困境,而如果采用网格计算,问题的解决将变得易如反掌。网格协议不但为人们发现、访问和调用几乎所有的在线资源提供了标准的平台,而且也为安全和认证等要求提供了相应的解决方案。” 网格计算技术的最直接应用之一是网格计算机的研制和开发。目前,世界各地正在建造很多台网格计算机,它们都得到了许多工业巨头,如IBM公司、SUN公司和微软公司等的大力支持。事实上,所有这些计算机都采用了Globus Toolkit,拥有前所未有的计算能力,可广泛应用于遗传学、粒子物理学、地震工程学等领域。由美国国家科学基金会投资8800万美元建造的Tera Grid就是这样的一台网格计算机。它将在今年年底前建成,设计运算速度可达每秒2l万亿次浮点运算,建成后将成为当今地球上运算速度最快的计算机之一。由于福斯特和克塞曼对网格计算的巨大贡献,他们关于网格计算协议和标准的工作开始于1995年,因而,加利福尼亚通信和信息技术学院院长拉里斯马尔和其他一些科学家称1995年为网格计算运动的起始年。福斯特和克塞曼的工作使得网格计算变得现实可行。随着网格计算技术的进一步发展,人们将能随时随地把整个网络整合成一台功能异常强大的超级计算机,实现计算资源、存储资源、数据资源、信息资源和专家资源等诸多资源的全面共享。





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题





