关于红细胞参数叙述正确的是 () A.红细胞MCV正常,则红细胞形态必定正常 B.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


关于红细胞参数叙述正确的是 ()






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


I had an experience once which taught me something about the ways people made a bad situation worse by blaming themselves. One January, I officiated(主持) at two funerals for two elderly women. 小题1:. At the first home, the son of the deceased(已故) woman said, “If only I had sent my mother to Florida and gotten her out of this cold and snow, she would be alive today. It’s my fault that she died.” At the second home, the son said, “If only I had not insisted her going to Florida, she would be alive today.  小题2: . It is my fault.”

When things don’t turn out as we would like them to, we tend to assume that had we done things differently, the story would have had a happier ending. Any time there is a death, the survivors will feel guilty. Because the course of action they took turned out bad, they believe that the opposite course, for example, keeping mother at home, would have turned out better.     小题3: 

There seem to be elements involved in our readiness to feel guilty. The first lies in our belief that the world makes sense---there is a reason for everything that happens. 

The second is the thought that we are the cause of what happens, especially the bad things that happen.小题4:. A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his needs, and that he makes everything happen in it. He wakes up in the morning and calls the rest of the world to its tasks.小题5: . When he is hungry, people feed him, and when he is wet, people change him. Very often, we do not completely abandon that childish thought that our wishes cause things to happen.

A.That long airplane ride was more than she could take

B.After all, how could it have turned out any worse?

C.Life and dead is an unsolved mystery.

D.The roots of this feeling may lie in our childhoodE.He cries, and someone comes to attend to him

F.Both died a natural death

G. They believe that they are responsible for what has happened.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

We'll have a surprise party for Danny ________ the evening of New Year's Day.[ ]

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. of

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


A.社会主义国家的宪法和资本主义国家的宪法都遵循国家主权、基本 * * 、法治和权力制约原则

B.社会主义国家的宪法和资本主义国家的宪法所遵循的基本 * * 原则在内容上是了致的

C.社会主义国家的宪法并未确立基本 * * 的原则


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题





