










B. 5




Generally speaking, the harder one works, ____________.

A.the better he gets result

B.The better results he gets

C.He gets better results

D.Does he get better results




Dealing with School Pressure

Get organized.By becoming more organized, you can reduce your stress level drastically(彻底地)Make a daily schedule of all your activities.Another way to become more organized is by getting your supplies and desk in order.Label folders(文件夹) for each class and arrange your notes and assignment by topic or date so you can easily find information.

Don't procrastinate.Putting off doing your schoolwork will only make you more stressed.If you get an assignment that is due in a month, and you don't have any other assignment to finish, go ahead and begin working on it.

Exercise.Performing some sort of physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week will considerably lower your stress level.Taking the time to exercise will help get your mind off the chaos and stress in your life.

Get plenty of sleep and eat healthily.You need between seven to eight hours of sleep per night in order to rest your mind and body so they can perform well during the day.Eating well-balanced meals will provide your with enough energy to accomplish your daily activities.

Adopt a positive attitude.If you are always negative, then stress will overwhelm you.By looking at things in a positive light, you will not only reduce your stress, but you will also feel better about yourself.

Realize that it's okay to say "no".If you already have a full schedule, don't attempt to add anything else to it.If your friends want you to go out at the last minute but doing so would conflict with your schedule, don't feel bad about turning them down.They will understand.They have been stressed before too.

小题1:According to the tips, your life will be   if you study without a proper schedule.


B.in disorder


D.busy小题2:Which is NOT TRUE according to the tips?

A.The more you sleep, the less stressed you will feel.

B.A balanced diet will make you energetic.

C.Regular exercise will help you feel relaxed.

D.Everything in a mess will increase one's stress.小题3:What does the underlined word " procrastinate" mean?

A.ahead of time.


C.give up.

D.make up.小题4:If your good friend invites you to do something while you are busy.what should you do so as not to increase stress?

A.You should accept the invitation.

B.You had better say "no".

C.You should keep silent.

D.You should feel bad.


There is more than one reason for which you need to hire a business attorney(律师). It is very important to hire some good attorney for your business especially because of the fact that you will need their knowledge and advice from beginning to all the time through your business. An attorney actually provides useful advice and guidance for your business and above all for your finance.

When you start some business you need to hire a business attorney for helping you in decision making for which kind of business you are going to start. So, all steps and all legal requirements will be provided to you and you can work without any trouble. Therefore, you will be introduced to all that you need to know and how to organize your business. You will be made aware about what type of organization would be the most useful and the best for you. Moreover, it is very useful when you have business consultant and especially in the law area, because he will provide you with legal knowledge and direct about what is legal for business and what is illegal.

At the same time, he will provide you with legal contract that you need to have for your corporate reports. Also, when you are a beginner in business it is very difficult to handle all kind of state taxes and fee; so a business attorney is here to help you with that. When there are some questions about auction, good and professional business-attorney will lead you through acquisitions(所获之物), sale mergers(合并) and similar matters.

These are only few reasons why you need to hire a good attorney, but there are more of them. So when you start some business, use advice of professionals and take the right decision.

If you need a good and excellent attorney, you don’t hesitate to get in touch with Arizona Business Attorney .Click here to find an Arizona Business Attorney

小题1:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Few Reasons Why You Need a Business Attorney.

B.Business Attorney is a Key to a Business.

C.Advice from Attorney for a Business.

D.Contact with Arizona Business Attorney.小题2: According to the author, ________.

A.you’d better consult a lawyer before starting a business

B.it is the best to hire an attorney before opening a business

C.you should contact Arizona before your business

D.it is rule to invite an attorney in America小题3: If you are a beginner in business, ___________.

A.you will meet with some auction questions

B.you are sure to suffer problems of taxes and fee

C.you should seek for advice of professionals

D.you must hire a good attorney小题4:Where can the reader find the passage?

A.In a newspaper.

B.On the Internet.

C.In a magazine.

D.In a guide book.
