




(20分)新疆是中国领土不可分割的一部分。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一 到了19世纪,沙俄逐渐形成了夺取南疆喀什噶尔的基本构想:在经济上,替俄国资产阶级在这一亚洲心脏地区开辟其他列强不易进入的销售市场;在政治上,把它变成俄国控制下同英国角逐中亚的前哨阵地,进可以经帕米尔、克什米尔威胁英属印度,退足以阻遏英国向北的扩张。19世纪60年代,俄国正经历着巨大的社会变动。60年代中叶,沙俄还计划对伊犁和乌鲁木齐实行军事占领。 ----摘编自中国社会科学院近代史研究所《沙俄侵华史》材料二 1877~1882年,左宗棠连续五次上书清政府请求新疆建省。1877年7月,当西征军一举规复吐鲁番之际,他向清政府提出“设行省、置郡县”,指出:“伊古以来,中国边患西北恒剧于东南”,“重新疆者所以保蒙古,保蒙古者所以卫京师。西北臂指相连,形势完整,自无隙可乘”。1844年11月17日,清政府正式发布新疆建省上谕:“新疆底定有年,绥(安定)边辑(和睦)民,事关重大,允宜统筹全局,厘定新章。……添设甘肃新疆巡抚、布政使各一员。”——摘编自沈传经、刘泱泱《左宗棠传论》

根据材料一指出南疆喀什噶尔对俄罗斯的战略价值,(4分)以及俄国对新疆侵略计划的变化,( 2 分)并结合所学知识,从俄国方面分析引起这一变化的原因。(4 分)








小辉同学最近总是感觉视力疲劳,夜晚看不清东西,皮肤也是干燥,用所学过的知识你认为小辉应该在饮食中增加哪类食物(  )








(2)图片再现的史实反映了这一时期中 * * 的最主要任务是什么?(1分)

这一任务的完成在中 * * 复兴史上具有怎样的历史意义?(2分)

(3)结合所学知识,谈谈你对中 * * 复兴之路的认识。(2分)


I’ve spent over a year in India, and in those 365 plus days, I’ve learned a lot about getting around Indian cities. My biggest lessons have been learned through being cheated, particularly by taxi and rickshaw (人力车) drivers, but that doesn’t mean those are bad ways to travel, as long as you know what you’re doing. Below are the best ways to get around the city of Delhi, India, and tips for how to keep from being the victim of scams (欺骗).

Taking taxis is a great way to get around the city of Delhi and chances are, if you arrive in Delhi by plane, as soon as you make it through customs, you’ll be swarmed by Indian taxi drivers. At the Delhi airport, be sure to arrange for a taxi to your hotel at one of the two Delhi Traffic Police Taxi Booths. One is inside the airport, and one is outside. The key is to make sure to go to a booth run by the police, rather than by independent taxi drivers.

Rickshaws are one of my favorite ways to get around Indian cities, partly because it’s how the locals often travel. Auto-rickshaws are more common, but bicycle rickshaws are still used in Old Delhi. If you do have a chance to take a bicycle rickshaw, you should do it at least once for a unique experience that should only set you back about 15 rupees. Auto-rickshaw rates around Delhi range between 30 and 80 rupees, depending on distance.

If you really want to travel around Delhi like the locals, take a public bus. Indian buses become very crowded and most do not have air conditioning. They are, however, very cheap. A bus trip won’t set you back any more than 15 rupees, as long as you stay within the city limits. Since Indian buses get so crowded, try to board the bus at the start of the route so you can get a seat.

The train is a great way to get around within the city of Delhi. Fares are reasonable, between six and 22 rupees. All departure announcements are in both Hindi and English, and tokens can be purchased for between six and 22 rupees.

小题1: What is the author trying to do through this text?

A.Expect us to travel around Delhi.

B.Show his/her experiences in Delhi.

C.Give some advice of traveling in Delhi.

D.Explain the difficulties of traveling in Delhi.小题2:What should you do to avoid being cheated when taking a taxi at the Delhi airport?

A.Go to a police-run booth.

B.Go out of the airport.

C.Show your ticket to the driver.

D.Pay more to the drivers to keep safe.小题3:The author suggests taking a rickshaw in order to ______.

A.save some money

B.gain some unique experience

C.enjoy the comfortable trip

D.help the local rickshaw drivers小题4:Which may be the topic that follows?

A.Car rentals in Delhi

B.Food and drink in Delhi

C.Weather conditions in Delhi

D.Hotel recommendations in Delhi
