Man: Peter was a great guy. He was drowned



Man: Peter was a great guy. He was drowned while rescuing a child from icy water of the fiver yesterday. Woman: Well, as far as I know, that was not the first dangerous situation he was in. Question: What does the woman mean

A.Peter was robust.

B.Peter was brave.

C.Peter was generous.

D.Peter was dangerous.


下面词语中错别字最少的一组是( D   )

A   英雄倍出      锣鼓宣天       民生凋蔽       刚愎自用

B   明辨是非      赤搏上阵       布署已定       残酷无情

C   天崩地拆      清澈见底       嗔目叱之       称心如意

D   故作矜持      驰骋沙场       一筹莫展       任人为亲


Her mother is very happy because she has won the first ________ in the national English competition. [ ]

A. scholarship 

B. reward

C. award  

D. medal


Clara Barton,founder of the American Red Cross,gained worldwide honor for her dedication to easing human suffering and earned the nickname  “Angel of the Battlefield.”

Barton was born into a liberal (开明的) freethinking family in 1821. Her elder brothers and sisters happily tutored her in math and reading, so when she entered school at three years old, she could read and spell three-syllable words. ____小题1:____

Concerned about Barton's difficulty in making friends, her parents sent her to a boarding school, hoping it would make her more comfortable with her peers. ____小题2:____ Barton lost her appetite and cried constantly. After only one term, she had to be brought home. Then, Barton stayed out of school to nurse her older brother through a serious injury and also volunteered to care for poor families during a smallpox (天花)outbreak.

In 1861,the Civil War broke out. The sight of wounded soldiers touched Barton deeply. She began to collect and distribute food, bandages, medicines, and other supplies for the Union army.

____小题3:____ There, with little concern for her own safety, she cooked meals, assisted surgeons, and comforted wounded soldiers.

Eventually,because of working too hard,Barton collapsed,ill with typhoid fever (伤寒症).  ____小题4:____ It was there that she learned of an organization based in Switzerland --- called the International Red Cross, whose work mirrored her own.

Shortly after Barton arrived back home in 1873,her sister died. ____小题5:____ When recuperating (休养)at a health facility in New York,she began planning for the establishment of an American wing of the International Red Cross. Although at first the government resisted,her efforts finally paid off. The American Red Cross was officially organized on May 21, 1881. Her influence lives on today in the work of the organization she founded.

A.Barton fell into a deep depression.

B.Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect.

C.Many people felt sorry for the loss of her sister and her own health.

D.Barton risked her life to transport wagonloads of supplies to the front lines.E. When she recovered, her doctors prescribed (指示) a long, restful trip to Europe.

F. Barton spent the following several months learning basics about Swiss Cross.

G. She easily kept up with the older children academically but did not fit in socially.













